Oakland Ramblers

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See also Oakland Wheelmen, Alameda County Wheelmen


Oakland, CA

Emblem & Uniform

"A uniform was adopted, which consists of dark shoes, navy-blue knit pants and coat with initial letters of club on coat-collar, white flannel shirt with blue trimmings and black velvet."



The Oakland Ramblers is an offshoot from the Wheelmen, started this last Summer, and is chiefly composed of younger members, who thought their seniors too old-fogyish and branched out to do more riding and racing. They have a blue knit uniform, with gray shirts.

ON THE WHEEL. - Daily Alta California, 29 November 1885

A New Bicycle Club. Another bicycle club has been organized in this city with the following membership: R. H. Magill, L. A. Kelly, Guy C. Earl, C. A. Beiderman, A. S. Ireland, C. L. Tisdale, W. W. Harrison, F. H. Blum, Robert Edgar and A. J. Bowman. The first meeting of the club will be held next Wednesday evening. This club is not organized for shape, but for endurance. It comprises those hardy members of existing clubs who delight to plow the San Leandro road - the veterans who are not afraid to make the trip from Oakland to San Jose and back again between sunrise and gloaming. They are distance riders, who have taken "headers.” They are men who scorn everything in the shape of a tricycle, except an automatic tandem with a pretty girl on the front seat. They are organizing for records, and they intend to get there just the same.

A New Bicycle Club. - Oakland Tribune, 21 Sep 1886


Election of Officers of a New Bicycle Club.

Last evening the following bicycle riders met in the Hall of Records for the purpose of organizing a new bicycle club in Oakland: Guy Earl, C. L. Tisdale, Robert Edgar, R. H. Magill, Jr., L. Sears, W. W. Haralson, W. J. Bowman, L. A. Kelly, Jr., Charles Biederman, Frank Blinn, Julias Lutgen, Alex. Ireland and J. D. Arkison. An election of officers resulted in the following choice: President, Guy Earl; Vice-President, C. L. Tisdale; Secretary and Treasurer, Robert Edgar. Road Officers - R. H. Magill, Jr., Captain, and L. Sears, Lieutenant. A uniform was adopted, which consists of dark shoes, navy-blue knit pants and coat with initial letters of club on coat-collar, white flannel shirt with blue trimmings and black velvet.

It is the intention of the club to limit the membership to those who will become active members and who have made a record in bicycling contests. It is their ambition to become the crack club of the State, and it will be the first recognized League club in California. The club has not adopted any name, but will probably do so at the next meeting, which will be held on the first Wednesday in October.

CYCLISTS. Election of Officers of a New Bicycle Club. 23 Sep 1886, Thu Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com

The Bay City Wheelmen's team for the road race will consist of Elwell Adcock and Browning. The Sacramento team will consist of Brenner, Tolle and Cook. It is expected that San Jose, San Mateo and other clubs will be represented. The Oakland Ramblers (reorganized) will have charge of the race and will offer three prizes.


Arrangements are about completed for the twenty-five mile road race. There will be entries from San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento and San Jose. The B. C. W. will be represented by Elwell Browning and a dark horse who is said to be an excellent rider. The Oakland Ramblers will have Ireland, Sears and Haralson to contend for them, and the other two cities will have able representatives. The course is what is familiarly known to the boys as the "triangle," below San Leandro. This race will occur on Thanksgiving.


The Oakland Ramblers have come to the surface again in an astonishing manner, and as Oakland is too small to support two good clubs, the A. C. W. is consequently numbered with the things that were.


It is understood that the Ramblers will have a club house, as a committee have been appointed to secure the same.

THE WHEELMEN. - Oakland Tribune, 08 Nov 1886

A bicycle road race wiil be had under the auspices of the Oakland Ramblers on Thanksgiving day. The race will be 25 miles, commencing at San Leandro, thence to San Lorenzo, Haywards, and retura to San Leandro, for a trophy offered by the clubs. The Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, Bay City and Alameda clubs will join the Raumbiers on that day. The trophy is on exhibition at Edwards', on Broadway.

A bicycle road race will be held under the auspices of the Oakland Ramblers... San Leandro triangle 18 Nov 1886, Thu Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com

The preparations for the twenty-five-mile road-race have been completed, and the race cannot but prove one of the greatest ever run on this coast. The Ramblers of this city have charge of it. The racers will start at 11 A. M. from a point seven-eighths of a mile from San Leandro, from thence to San Lorenzo, thence to Haywards and back to San Leandro. This triangle will be traversed three times to give the required distance, and finish at San Leandro. The Bay City Wheelmen, of San Francisco, have entered as their team Mess's. Elwell, Adcock and Booth; the San Francisco Bicycle Club's team will consist of Messrs. Larzelere, Letcher and Griffin; the San Mateo Wheelmen enter Knapp, Donnelly and Reed; the Capital Citys, of Sacramento, will send down Cook, Toll and Breuner; and the Oakland Ramblers will be represented by W. W. Haralson, of Fitchburg, A. J. Rosborough and A. S. Ireland, of Highland Park. Barring accidents, it is anticipated that Elwell will win.

BICYCLING. - Oakland Tribune, 22 Nov 1886

The Oakland Ramblers announce a race for the 22d of February at the Oakland Trotting Park.

17 Jan 1887, Mon Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com

A Bicycle Meet.

The Oakland Ramblers will hold their first race weet on Washington's Birthday, the 22d of February, at the Oakland Trotting Park, and intend making it the largest and most successful ever held on this coast. The track will be in the finest condition, and several coast records will probably be broken, as most of the flyers intend entering. One of the features of the meet will be the half-mile club race, in which most of the members will compete, as they all think they stand a good chance on short distances.

A Bicycle Meet. Oakland Ramblers Oakland Trotting Park 20 Jan 1887, Thu Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com

The Oakland Ramblers announce the following list of events for their race meeting to take place February 22d at the Oakland Trotting Park: One-mile novice, one mile tricycle, five-mile L. A. W. State championship, three-mile handicap, one-mile star wheelers, two-mile handicap, one-mile tandem tricycle. The tricycle races, both single and tandem, and the star race will be novelties, this being their first appearance on the track bere.

Oakland Ramblers 24 Jan 1887, Mon Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com

A Bicycle Invitation.

The Oakland Ramblers have issued a circular to "racing men" of the coast asking all such to enter for the following events, to be decided at the meet on Washington's Birthday at Oakland Trotting Park, viz: One mile maiden, one-mile tricycle, five-mile L. A. W. State championship, three-mile handicap, one-mile "Star," two-mile handicap, one-mile tandem.

A Bicycle Invitation Oakland Ramblers 26 Jan 1887, Wed Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com

The Ramblers.

The Oakland Ramblers will visit the Bay City Wheelmen on Saturday evening next, joining in a moonlight run through the park and a lunch at the Bay City's clubrooms afterward.

The Ramblers. 03 Feb 1887, Thu Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) Newspapers.com


The Programme for the State Meeting in Oakland.

The Oakland Ramblers have, by an unanimous vote, decided to support the following nominees at the coming election of the Californian Division, L. A. W.: R. M. Welch, Chief Consul, B. C. W.; R. H. Magill Jr., Secretary, Treasurer, O. R.; C. J. Krytser, Local Consul; J. D. Arkison, representative for Oakland.

The entry for the coming races is rapidly growing in size, and exceeds the fondest expectations of the most enthusiastic promoters of the meeting. The five mile L. A. W. State championship race and the mile maiden will be the prominent features of the day. The day's sport will consist of a parade by the wheelmen of the Pacific coast through the principal streets of Oakland and to the trotting park, where the following interesting programme will be carried out: 1. One mile maiden. 2. One mile tricycle. 3. Five mile L. A. W. State championship. 4. Three mile handicap. 5. One quarter mile dash. 6. Two mile handicap. 7. One mile tandem. 8. One half mile club.

The San Francisco wheelmen will leave the city on the 11:15 creek boat and will be met at the foot of Broadway by the Oakland Ramblers at 12 m., who will escort them through Oakland and to the track. The race will commence at 1:30 P. M. sharp.

Entries for the races close on Friday, February 18th.

The officers of the meeting will be as follows: Committee of Arrangements - C. J. Krytser, L. Sears, R. H. Magill Jr., C. D. Haven Jr., J. S. Tisdale: referee, Ralph de Claremont, San Francisco Bicycle Club; starter, J. D. Arkison, O. R.; judges - Harrison Houseworth, San Francisco Bicycle Club, Harry Hatch, O. R., W. M. Meeker Jr.; timers - George H. Strong, San Francisco Bicycle Club, William P. Lyons, O. R., E. Gibbs, San Francisco Bicycle Club; clerk of the course, J. L. Tisdale, O. R.; scorers - Philip Remillard, O. R., J. C. Lutjen, O. R., P. J. Chapman, O. R.

The Oakland bicyclists expect to have this year's meet of the California Division of the L. A. W. held in Oakland.

Hubert White is the latest addition to the bicycle ranks on this side of the bay. He has joined the Ramblers.

WHEELERS. - Oakland Tribune, 16 Feb 1887


Entries for the Bicycle Tournament on Washington's Birthday.

The following is the entry list of the Oakland Ramblers bicycle tournament, to take place at Oakland Trotting Park on Washington's Birthday, at 1:30 p. m.:


THE RAMBLERS. - Oakland Tribune, 19 Feb 1887

The Oakland Ramblers have moved from their old quarters in the Wilcox block, and have rented a store on Webster street. It will be fitted up in fine style presently.

ALL AROUND NOTES. - Oakland Tribune, 04 Apr 1887

The Olympic Athletic Club and the San Francisco Bicycle Club held a joint meeting at the Bay district race track in San Francisco yesterday. Oakland was represented by T. F. Scanlan of the Acme Athletic Club and Charles J. Krytser of the Oakland Ramblers, who were among the judges. The Acme Athletic Club and the Oakland Ramblers were also represented in the meeting, but their members failed to carry off any of the prizes.

OLYMPIC CLUB SPORTS. - Oakland Tribune, 31 May 1887