San Jose Mercury-news, Volume XXXVII, Number 132, 12 May 1890

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The Recent Rains a Disappointment to the Cyclists.

Preparations for the Annual Meet In San Jose in July - Century Run to Hollister Next Sunday

The rain during the week brought despair to the bicyclists, as many parties had been organized to make the run yesterday to Oakland and different places where good roads were to be found. But the roads were laden too thickly with mud to permit the cyclist’s wheel to navigate and their intended runs were postponed. Wheeling is now the popular sport with the young men of San Jose - in fact throughout the State. What other sport is more healthful and refreshing than a tour of the valley over good roads on a speeding bicycle? San Jose is well represented with wheelmen, and on holidays numbers of them can be seen upon the highways attired in their attractive suits, speeding by with great rapidity. Some of the best racers in the State reside here. Julius Smith is a long distance racer and displays a number of gold medals. In the coming tournament, to be held here in a few months he will compete against “Mush" Elwell, conceded to be the champion over a three-mile course in the State.

A. Col is a short distance racer and is recognized as such. As evidence he has some elegant medals.

Joe Desimone is as hard as steel, and can cover many miles during a day's ride. All arrangements for the tournament to he held in July have been completed. Geo. F. Drake of Oakland. Thos. Hill of San Francisco. Allen C. Wagener, Al Col and A. C. McKenney, the Committee on Arrangements have secured the grounds on Autumn and Julian streets, and will have a first-class track laid, and will erect a grand stand accommodating 1000 guests. Three hundred wheelmen are expected to participate in the exercises. An excellent programme has been prepared for the occasion, in which only members of the L. A. W. will be allowed to compete for medals. On the evening of July 4th a lantern parade will be given. The following day a tour of the valley will be made, and on the evening of the 5th a hop at the Vendome will take place. The century run, by the L. A. W. next Sunday, from San Francisco to Hollister, a distance of one hundred miles, bids fair to be a flattering success. About seventy-five wheelmen will make the run. The managers of the affair have chosen excellent roads, which will add largely to the comfort of the cyclists. The orders are to leave San Francisco at 5 a.m., breakfast at Millbrae, lunch in San Jose, and arrive in Hollister by dark. After dinner a special train will convey them back to San Francisco. The Garden City Wheelmen will have fifteen representatives.

San Jose Mercury-news, Volume XXXVII, Number 132, 12 May 1890