THE WHEELMEN. - The Rise and Fall of the Ariel Bicycle Club. - Oakland Tribune, 18 Apr 1888

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The Rise and Fall of the Ariel Bicycle Club.

Some months ago a bicycle club was formed in Oakland, and for months it flourished. It was known by the name Ariel - a pleasant title. Soon the membership began to increase, when it was found that a little back room was hardly sufficient to accommodate the youths seeking honors on the dusty roads. So a suite of rooms on Eighth street and Broadway, in the Shattuck block, was secured and fitted up in comfortable style, and here for many weeks the members of the Ariel Club met and discussed matters. But they will meet and discuss matters no more. The Ariel Bicycle Club is a thing of the past. It is "busted," and the ex-members of the Ramblers hail with delight the news of its sudden decease.

The Highland Park Wheelmen is a little organization in itself. The prominent members of the club are Messrs. Blinn, Rosborough, Olney, Churchill, and Fred Blinn.

Fred Blinn has caused quite a sensation among the wheelmen by appearing in his gaudy new uniform.

Morton of the Chicago Cycling Club, who is now in Oakland, wears the neatest uniform on the road.

Lewis Sears has arrived at Victoria, B.C. He states that he astonished the natives by his fast riding on his wheel.

Charles J. Kryster is now working up a proposition to go to the Yosemite on bicycles. Fifteen riders are wanted to take the trip. The expense for the entire trip will not exceed $30 for each man. It is proposed to have a horse and wagon, tents etc.

Ralph Coxhead, an amateur rider. can manage a bicycle very well, but when it comes to a tricycle, he is not at home. A few nights ago while passing Eighth and Washington streets on a tricycle, he took a header and gracefully swept the earth.

Brower has been prevented from riding recently by an annoying felon.

Miss Edith Coxhead, her brother, and A. A. Bouton took an early start the other morning, and climbed the mountains leading to Jack Hays's canyon. The young lady rode a light club tricycle, and did not find it difficult work. The party returned by way of Piedmont hills and Lake Merritt, riding in all about sixteen miles over mountain roads.