Samuel F. Booth, Jr.
From Wooljersey
(Redirected from S. F. Booth)
The Bay City Wheelmen's Club has been organised with the following officers: President, E. Mohrig; Vice President, George F. Day; Captain, R. F. Cook; Secretary, W. J. Munro; First Lieutenant, George Butler; Second Lieutenant, S. F. Booth; Bugler, Thomas Hill. The club has already taken a couple of runs.
Founding of Bay City Wheelmen - San Francisco Chronicle 23 Sep 1884, Tue - Page 3
Among the latter is the club of the Bay City Wheelmen, which was organized September 1, 1884, with the following officers: Edwin Mohrig, President; George F. Day, Vice-President; F. R. Cook, Captain; S. F. Booth Jr., First Lieutenant; George Butler, Second Lieutenant, and Thomas L. Hill, Bugler.