On and Off the Wheel. - The St. Helena Star, 05 Jul 1895
On and off the Wheel.
This cool bracing weather is just the time to exercise your wheel.
Philo Grant went over to Winters and i Madison on his wheel Sunday, returning home Tuesday.
Miss Harriet Harazthy and Miss Helen Anthony took a run to Napa on their wheels Monday.
F. W. Williams and C. C. Hackett, of Napa, passed through town Saturday and route to Calistoga.
Will Simmons, John Hiltale and Elmer Pickett, of Calistoga passed through town Sunday en route to Napa.
Miss Alice Taylor, of Oakland, while enjoying the summer months in St. Helena, is spending a portion of the time mastering the "bike." She experienced no difficulty in learning to ride.
Judge and Mrs. E. D. Ham passed through town on their wheels Saturday evening, returning to Napa the following day. Both the Judge and Mrs. Ham enjoy the sport hugely and the Judge enters into it with the same vim and spirit that characterizes his every action.
A party of the California Camera Club cyclists passed through town Sunday. The party was composed of Chas. A. Adams, Pres.; Prof. J. J. B. Argenti, H. C. Owens and B. D. Bent. The gentlemen came this far by train and spent a few moments talking art with Photographer Blakesly, handing him their itinerary from which we extract the following: Leaving here after partaking of lunch they rode to the Aetnas where they spent the night and next day went to Middletown with a side run to Harbin Springs and then on to Anderson Springs for the night. Tuesday to Adams, then to Seiglers and from there to Highlands for the night. Wednesday to Lakeport, by boat from that town to Bartlett springs. Thursday at Bartlett springs with "Sizboom fireworks" accompaniment. Friday to Upper Lake, to Saratoga, Blue Lakes and Ukiah with a side run to Vichy Springs to spend the night. Saturday to Cloverdale. Sunday to the Geysers where the entire portion of next Monday will be spent. Tuesday to Knight's valley and Mark West Springs. Wednesday to Santa Rosa, thence home to San Francisco. The gentlemen will no doubt have a very enjoyable trip as their route is unexcelled.
The bicycle club met at the town hall Tuesday evening there being quite a large number of wheelmen present. Under the by laws adopted, the first order of business was the election of officers which resulted as follows: Philo Grant, President; H. J. Chinn, Vice President; L. D. Wolfe, Secretary; F. S. Ewer, Treasurer; James Rennie, Captain; Oscar Alstrom, First Lieutenant; George Fountain, Second Lieutenant. B. E. Clark of the Garden City Cyclers, whose energy resulted in the formation of the club, was unanimously elected an honorary member. It was decided to name the club St. Helena Cyclers. After a lengthy discussion the club adopted as a uniform, navy blue coat, pants and cap, with black sweater and stockings. As some whose names were down as members had not as yet paid their initiation fee and dues, they were given until the 10th inst. to settle with the Secretary. After that date application for membership must be made in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws. James Rennie, Oscar Alstrom and L. A. Pellet were appointed a committee on uniforms, and Dr. D. E. Osborne, George Fountain and Oscar Alstrom a committee on emblem. Captain Rennie called a run to Calistoga on for Sunday at 2 o'clock, the starting point being the town hall.