H. C. Owens

From Wooljersey


Henry C. Owens 1862 - 1932


Camera Club Cyclists

The active members of the California Club are now very much interested in cycling. They have organized what they call the California Camera Club Cyclists, and use the wheel as an interesting adjunct to their leading pastime of photography. The following active members of the Camera Club have joined the cycling annex, and each is the possessor of a wheel; Charles A. Adams, J. J. B. Argenti, B. D. Bent, H. A. Boese, H. C. Cantwell, C. F. Cormack, C. S. Close, Mrs. H. C. Cantwell, Mrs. H. H. Douglas, Miss M. E. Faucompre, N. H. Neustadter, H. C. Owens, J. Schlosser, Dr. J. F. Twist, W. E. Goodrum, H. T. Henning, H. B. Hosmer, Miss Belle Jacobs, George H. Kahn, L. Locke, Mrs. A. L Lengfeld, A. G. McFarland, Mrs. A. G. McFarland, C. F. Mead, F. H. McConnell, Miss A. M. Morris, Mrs. W. B. Webster, L. D. Radgesky and W. B. Maxwell.

CAMERA AND WHEEL - San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 1895

President Charles A. Adams, Captain J. J. B. Argenti, Byron D. Bent and Henry Owens of the Camera Club Cyclists will start awheel for Lake County early in July, to be absent a fortnight. They will visit all the springs and resorts, and as all four will carry cameras some good views may be expected when they return.

THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 22 Jun 1895

A party of Camera Club Cyclists will start to-morrow morning for a ten days' trip through Lake County. Prominent among them are Charles A. Adams, president of the club; J. J. B. Argenti, professor of botany, California College of Pharmacy; Byron D. Bent and H. C. Owens, all well-known amateur photographers. Never before has such a party visited this garden spot of California on wheels, and it is beyond question that they will bring back with them some splendid views taken along the route, as they are experienced artists and carry the latest and most improved cameras. These pictures will be made into slides, which are sent around the world to other camera clubs, exchanges being continually made between these organizations. It might be mentioned that the California Camera Club is the only one in the world having an active cycling annex. It is also the only club giving monthly exhibitions. The cycling annex is a feature of the club, and some of the finest California scenic views have been made since its inception through the opportunity the wheel affords the artists to travel.

THE WHEELMEN - The Camera Club Cyclists Will Tour Through Lake County - The San Francisco Call, 29 Jun 1895

The cyclists of the club had an enjoyable run to Tocaloma on Sunday a week ago. Owing to the distance there were no ladies in the party. The trip was marred by only one accident. One of the leaders of the party, C. S. Close, narrowly escaped serious injury. He was riding full speed down the road, when his wheel swerved, and he was carried over a cliff fifty feet high. He succeeded in catching the limb of a tree near the top of the descent and saved himself. His wheel was wrecked and he was compelled to walk a distance of three miles. He secured, however, some of the most artistic pictures of the journey. His camera, fortunately, was saved.. Its members will be at Anderson's Springs on July 1st, and will remain until July 4th to assist in the celebration of Independence Day. This party will include Charles A. Adams, H. C. Owens and W. Bent.

AMONG THE WHEELMEN. - A Cycling Trip to Santa Cruz - San Francisco Chronicle, 29 Jun 1895

President Charles Albert Adams, Captain J. J. B. Argenti, Byron D. Bent and H. C. Owens, of the Camera Club Cyclists, have returned from their tour through Lake County. These gentlemen made the trip not only with a desire for the present enjoyment, but with a view of ultimately presenting a narrative of the trip to the members of the California Camera Club in the form of an illustrated lecture, and the notes made by them are so copious that not only will they prove of interest to the members of the club when elaborated and illustrated with the many views secured, but are of especial value to wheelmen who may contemplate a two weeks' tour on the wheel.

The Wheelmen. - The San Francisco Call, 20 Jul 1895