THE WHEEL. - A New Club-House for the San Franciscos. - The San Francisco Call, Jun 8, 1890

From Wooljersey
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A New Club-House for the San Franciscos.

The century run last Sunday to Hollister was a great success. About seventy-five wheelmen started, of whom fifty-three arrived in Hollister awheel. The others, either on account of weariness or accidents to their wheels, were compelled to stop at points on the way. The run has awakened a great deal of enthusiasm among the league members and has been the means of inducing others to become members of the division. Now that it is over wheelmen will settle down to work training for the races next month at San Jose. Some men new to the path, and encouraged by the showing they made against same of the older racers in the brushes on the way to Hollister, are going to see what they can do at San Jose, and the old stagers will have to pedal pretty lively if they expect to win many medals.

During the week, some time, the San Francisco Bicycle Club will be installed in its new house on O'Farrell street, between Scott and Steiner. The new home is a two-story frame building, very easy of access to the park. The carpenters are now engaged in making necessary alterations to the partitions, putting in lockers, etc. Every possible convenience, including plunge and shower bath, will be provided.

On the evening of July 3d Captains Manning and Drake of the San Francisco and Oakland clubs have agreed to hold a joint run to San Jose, where the annual meet will be held on the Fourth. The night will be moonlight, and it is anticipated that a large number will turn out on account of the double attraction of the meet and the full moon. The run will be continued on to Mount Hamilton on the 5th, and the return probably made by train.

Fred Russ Cook of the Bay Citys, a recent addition to the ranks of the Olympic Club, is constantly seen in the gymnasium enthusiastically engaged in playing hand-ball. He is becoming quite proficient in the game. Fred was at one time one of the fastest men in the country on a wheel. Considerable influence has from time to time been brought to bear in order to induce him to again enter the lists, but he has always refused to be won over.

The first man who rode a bicycle in San Francisco, Ralph de Clairmont of the San Francisco Bicycle Club, is now in Guatemala.

H. H. Matthews finds business pressing him so that he has decided to give up wheeling altogether. He is making arrangements to dispose of his wheel at a raffle.

During the week wheelmen have been riding in the park, the Bay City's gray uniform being seen oftener than any other.

The Cliff House has not lost its popularity as an early morning resort for enterprising 'cyclists. Nearly every day a small party of wheelmen ride out almost before the sun is up, and eat their breakfast while listening to the bellowing of the seals.

The safety has apparently come to stay. When "the goat," as it is called, first made its appearance everybody laughed at it. Now "ordinaries" are very unfrequently met with, and the rider of such a machine is considered behind the times.