A Novel Ride. - The Alameda Argus - Thu, Aug 08, 1878
From Wooljersey
A Novel Ride.
[From the San Jose Mercury.]
G. L. Cunningham, a young gentleman of San Francisco, left that place Saturday morning at 6:30 o'clock, mounted on an English bicycle, and arrived at the Auzerais House at 7:15 o'clock in the evening. This makes the whole time, 12 hours and 45 minutes. He made several stoppages, and the running time is put down at seven hours. The rate of travel was seven and one-half miles an hour. The road, though dusty in many places, was in very fair condition. Mr. Cunningham did not appear to be much exhausted by the effort. He claims that the bicycle is a vast improvement over the old-style velocipede, and that the former can be ridden with but little exertion.