Another Club for Boys Takes Up Wheeling - San Francisco Chronicle - December 17, 1905
Another Club for Boys Takes Up Wheeling
FOLLOWING the lead of the West City Wheelmen, another club of boys will break into the racing game to-day. The new organization is known as the Golden City Wheelmen, and is headed by J. Cunningham in the capacity of captain. Though the Golden City Wheeing Club is composed of boys of 15 years of age and under, they are most enthusiastic over the sport.
The club was started only recently, but already the the membership has reached twenty, with applications coming in regularly. Suitable clubrooms have been found at 1015 Geary street, at which address the club captain may be communicated with in regard to challenges. The boys are anxious to meet some other young team in a ten-mile relay race, and, with this idea in view, a try-out has been called for to-day on the Alameda track, if the weather will permit.
A number of promising riders are enrolled with the club, and some crack riders should be turned out in time. Among the fastest are G. Gall, J. Cunningham, John Coughlan, Jerry Coughlan and W. Schou.
With this new element springing up in the wheeling game, the sport should be improved within the next few years. The West City Wheelmen have held a number of races and the club members have shown an unusual amount of interest in the game. As this club and the Golden City Wheelmen are composed of boys about the same age, a match race between them would, no doubt, create as much interest as any event that could be arranged.
So far as the older clubs are concerned, wheeling is at a standstill at present. Nothing in the way of roller races is scheduled, and the weather can no longer be depended upon for club runs. Thee San Francisco Motorcycle Club held a large and enthusiastic meeting in the club's new quarters in the Jefferson Square building during the week. The members and their friends were entertained with a smoker and jinks, which provided no little amusement. Some good talent was on hand, and so, enjoyable was the evening that these events will be held more regularly in the future. At the conclusion of the entertainment a meeting of the club was held and a number of new members admitted.
The San Francisco Motorcycle Club is in receipt of a letter from C. W. Risden, an enthusiastic member of the Los Angeles Club, in regard to the proposed endurance run to be held early next year. Risden is of the opinion that late in the spring would be the best time for the contest, and that three days should be fixed to make the run from this city to Los Angeles and return.
In anticipation of a busy winter, the Bay City Wheelmen have recently placed at the disposal of the club members a new set of rollers upon which to train for the numerous events. The Bay City Club has nothing scheduled for the remainder of the year but their annual Christmas celebration. The members will receive numerous gifts, neither useful nor ornamental, but guaranteed to provide amusement for those present. The wearers of the maltese cross are already preparing for their annual smoker, which is to be held late next month.
Charles C. Long, captain of the Bay City Wheelmen for the past two seasons, has resigned, and his place has been filled by John T. Kelly. The latter is an old-time racing man, and has long been a member of the club. He intends to hold numerous races during the coming year, and in every Bay City Club race held during the year points will be allowed. At the end of the season those having the most points will be awarded the trophies.