BAY CITY WHEELMEN TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY. - San Francisco Chronicle - October 01, 1904
Members and Ex-Members of Club Will Meet and Hold Smoker.
Arrangements have been completed for the twentieth anniversary celebration of the Bay City Wheelmen, and to-night the members of this well-known cycling club will meet at the clubrooms and celebrate as no event has been celebrated among the cyclers for many years.
The event will take the form of a smoker, and there will be members present who have not been in the clubrooms for many months. For this reason the evening will be spent by the members and ex-members only. The Bay City Wheelmen would like to have their numerous friends present, but so many of the older clubmen have signified their intention of being on hand that this would not be possible.
The talent that is to do the entertaining has been carefully selected, and a good programme is assured. Too much time, however, will not be given to the programme, for the club members purpose to have a grand reunion, which will be appreciated by the old-time members. Many old stories will be resurrected in regard to happenings on club runs and gatherings of former years. All day to-morrow there will be "open house" at the Bay City Wheelmen's headquarters on Golden Gate avenue.
Next week the anniversary run will be held on Sunday to some nearby place of interest, not yet decided upon. All the old-time wheels are being put into commission and the "bunch" will present an odd appearance on the road on their high wheels and old cushion tires.