J. B. Carey

From Wooljersey


Joseph Buell Carey 1870 – 1929

Married to Jeanette Heintzen


Garden City Cyclers

Tandems are the fad of this year, and many prominent wheelmen are talking of riding the two-header. Among them may be mentioned Chief Consul Charles K. Melrose and his wife, ex-secretary-treasurer of the league, W. H. Toepke, and his sister, and also J. B. Carey and wife of San Jose. Undoubtedly tandems will be much sought for this season.

AMONG THE WHEELMEN - Track to Be Used in the Tournament. - A Matter of Interest to Racers. - San Francisco Chronicle, 19 Jan 1895



J. B. Carey of the Garden City Cyclers of San Jose and business manager of The Pacific Cyclist made the first century of the '95 season January 12th and 13th. The roads were in their worst condition, being covered with mud and slush, and the last fifty miles had to be ridden against a strong south wind in a driving rain and in the night time. In company with Clarence N. Ravlin, editor of The Pacific Cyclist, Mr. Carey left San Jose Saturday afternoon and rode to San Francisco via Centerville, Niles, Haywards and Oakland, arriving in time to attend the Olympic "smoker" given that evening. Mr. Carey decided to make the return trip on his wheel and thus complete a "century," and although it was raining furiously he caught the last boat for Oakland and started on his lonely ride to San Jose. From Haywards to Niles it was necessary to walk a good portion of the way, the mud being so deep and heavy. The roads from Niles to San Jose, although very soft, were not so bad as to prevent riding. When near Warm Springs the storm was so severe that the rider was compelled to return to Irvington, where he waited two hours, after which the rest of the journey was completed without accident, the riding time for the "century" being fourteen hours.

Last September Carey rode from San Jose to Marysville, via Livermore, Stockton and Sacramento, in twenty hours, a distance of 225 miles, which is the best ride and time for that distance ever made on the Coast. As a hard and tireless road rider Carey is well known all over the State, he having ridden sixteen centuries last season. Owing to an accident to Ravlin's wheel, Ravlin had to return by rail.

AMONG THE WHEELMEN - J. B. Carey Rides the First Century. - The Question of Race Meet Dates. - San Francisco Chronicle, 26 Jan 1895

The result of the Garden City Cyclers' election as shown by the telegraphic reports is not as complete as we would like it and the following shows the actual vote cast for every man and contains some surprises:

President-H. M. N. Spring 139, J. B. Lamkin 53; vice-president, S. G. Tomkins; financial secretary-Howard A. Alexander 120, Joseph A. Desimone 71; recording secretary, George A. Pollard; directors-A. C. McKenney 184, Joseph A. Delmas 178, James A. Chase 174, George Anderson 168, Henry Lion 143, Fred Seyboldt 93 (all but the latter were elected); captain-Joseph B. Carey 104, Charles P. Jarman 59, Ed Williston 15, William Lipsett 13; first lieutenant-Joseph Edwards 123, Al Holloway 62; second lieutenant, W. J. O'Brien; bugler, L. E. Whiting; color-bearer-John Dermoody 131, A. von Bendeleben 28.

They say it was a very hotly contested election and the 192 votes cast for president show that a large proportion of the membership was present. There is a rumor that the new directors will arrange for a club road race at once, though this is not authentic. President Spring will make an excellent officer for the club and no better choice for the captaincy could have been made than Mr. Carey, who is well known as the editor of that up-to-date sheet known as Cycling.

THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 28 Sep 1895