Portuguese Bicycle Club
San Francisco, CA
The club members will wear an emblem consisting of a wheel surrounding the coat-of-arms of Portugal, two blue wings supporting the wheel.
Emblem of the Portuguese Bicycle Club of San Francisco.There was organized last week in this city the first Portuguese bicycle club formed in the United States. A meeting was held at 525 Front street, those most active in the movement being Felix F. Trigueiro, Bettencourt da Camasa, Antonio A. Sarmento and Jose Baptista. The charter-roll has twenty-one signatures and it is hoped to bring the membership up to an even hundred before long, as Portuguese wheelmen resident in surrounding counties will be invited to co-operate.
The club members will wear an emblem consisting of a wheel surrounding the coat-of-arms of Portugal, two blue wings supporting the wheel. The next meeting will be held at 525 Front street, Thursday evening, May 10.