Bay City Wheelmen Hold Anniversary - The San Francisco Examiner - June 06, 1911
Bay City Wheelmen Hold Anniversary
Old-Time Cyclists Enjoy Annual Reunion at Smoker on Saturday Evening.
The Bay City Wheelmen, one of the oldest cycling clubs in the State, held a smoker on Saturday evening to celebrate the twenty-sixth anniversary of the foundation of the club. A large attendance gathered at the club rooms and many old-timers enjoyed the evening, which was under the direction of Dan O'Callaghan as master of ceremonies.
The entertainment included stunts by "Billy" Hynes, Bob Mitchell, Jack Holland, Dick Whelan, Captain Leale, Monte Bart, W. J. Connolly, Ed Healey, George Swan, Jack Cahill and others, and the dancing of the Murphy twins was a feature of the entertainment.
"Pop" Mohrig, who was the first president of the club in 1884, gave an interesting address on the early days.
Among the many old-time members who were present were Ed. Mohrig, Fred. R. Cook, Sam Booth, Dr. Thomas L. Hill, Charles C. Moore, Henry L. Day, Fred Noeckmann, Harry Larkin, George Stangenberger, George Dixon, Fred. Allen, Frank Cushman, Harry Housworth, Captain Robinet and Charles A. Day.