OLYMPIC CLUB SPORTS. - Oakland Tribune, 31 May 1887

From Wooljersey
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The Olympic Athletic Club and the San Francisco Bicycle Club held a joint meeting at the Bay district race track in San Francisco yesterday. Oakland was represented by T. F. Scanlan of the Acme Athletic Club and Charles J. Krytser of the Oakland Ramblers, who were among the judges. The Acme Athletic Club and the Oakland Ramblers were also represented in the meeting, but their members failed to carry off any of the prizes.

The first event-100 yards' handicap run-was won by J. N. Flynn, scratch, in 10. 2-5s.
The mile bicycle race was won by C. Adcock in 3m. 7 1-5s.
The third event, a mile handicap walk, was won by C. E. Cron, having 100 yards handicap, in 8m. 11 1/2s.
The 410 yards' run was won by J. W. Flynn in 55 4-5 s.
The maiden bicycle race was won by N. A. Robinson in 3m. 24s.
The one quarter mile bicycle race was won by H. C. Finkler in 48 2-5s.
The half mile handicap run was won by R. McArthur, fifty yards in 2m. 4s.
The mile tricycle race was easily won by W. G. Davis in 4m. 3 2-5s.
Throwing a sixteen pound shot resulted in a victory for A. H. Lean, making a record of 35ft-10 1/2 in., beating the coast record, which was 34ft. 4in.
Alexander Ireland won the two mile bicycle handicap in 6m. 36 1-5s.
Frank C. Kane won the 200 yard race for juveniles in 24 4-5s.
The mile handicap run was won by R. McArthur, 100 yards in 4m. 50s.
Alexander Ireland won the quarter mile bicycle race in 49 1-5s.
The final event was the five mile Bicycle League Championship race, which was won by Adcock in 17m. 41 1/2s.