OLYMPIC CYCLERS. Officers and Directors Elected at the Meeting Held last Evening. - The San Francisco Call, 11 Jan 1896
Officers and Directors Elected at the Meeting Held Last Evening.
The Olympic cyclers held an enthusiastic meeting last evening and the large attendance of members indicated that the club is in perfect harmony and a thriving condition.
The principal object of the meeting was to elect directors and officers for the ensuing term. With but two exceptions the old board was re-elected, and there is no change in the officers. The directors for the ensuing term are: J. F. Coffey, J. H. Sheehan, S. I. Blake, T. B. McGinniss, F. R. Butz, Lloyd Conkling, Dr. O. B. Burns, Charles F. Morel, W. D. Shea.
The officers are: J. F. Coffey, president; J. H. Sheehan, vice-president; T. B. McGinniss, secretary; S. I. Blake, treasurer: F. R. Butz, captain; J. F. Cooney, first lieutenant; George W. Conroy, second lieutenant.
It was decided to invite the Olympic Club wheelmen to a joint run with the cyclers at some near future date.
A special meeting will be held Friday evening, January 24, to receive a committee from the League of American Wheelmen, which will address the club upon the desirability of its joining the league.