Olympic Club Wheelmen
San Francisco, CA
Emblem & Uniform
- a wheel with a winged "O."
- "A distinctive but neat and serviceable uniform was adopted, consisting of cap, coat and knickerbockers of dark blue cloth, with white sweater, the cap and sweater bearing the emblem of the Olympic Club, the winged O in red."
- Charles Albert Adams
- Altenberg
- J. H. Ballin
- John Beckett
- Bertram "Sprocket" Bernhard
- Brennan
- John Breuner
- O. B. Burns
- F. R. Butz
- Edward Chapman
- W. J. Christ
- L. H. Cox
- Clint R. Coulter
- J. H. Dieckman Jr.
- Martin Espinosa
- J. E. Fagothey
- Walter B. Fawcett
- Walter F. Foster
- Frank W. Fuller
- George Fuller
- W. P. Fuller
- Harry Gibbs
- H. D. Hadenfeldt
- H. C. Hahn
- William H. "Will" Haley
- John Hammersmith
- Hitchcock
- W. T. Hobson
- Frank Lee Hunter
- Lewis C. Hunter
- J. A. R. Johnson
- G. E. Kroetz
- John W. Leavitt
- Charles F. Lemmon
- R. L. Long
- Walter Romain Lovegrove
- H. C. Massie
- T. C. Masteller
- J. R. McElroy
- John F. McGlynn
- H. A. Monahan
- J. W. Mullen
- W. W. Needham
- Leonard D. Owens
- Norval Alonzo Robinson
- Henry Rogers
- J. M. Rogers
- H. S. Russ
- Robert R. Russ
- Stanley G. Scovern
- Edward Stack
- George H. Stratton
- George Tantau
- L. B. Thomas
- Frank Twichell
- Cress Unger
- O. A. Weihe
- Charles S. Wells
- H. H. White
- D. E. Whitman
- John Wing
It is very evident that the athletes of the Olympic Club are not in favor of wheeling. A committee which was appointed to organize a bicycle annex failed twice to form a permanent organization. At the last meeting only three interested wheelmen were present.
The San Francisco Call, San Francisco, California • Fri, Feb 5, 1892, Page 5
The addition of the San Francisco Bicycle Club has given the Olympic Cycling Annex a decided impetus. The directors are fitting up a room in the basement with all the necessary conveniences for the care and repair of wheels and have also assigned the annex a "home" adjoining the lounging room where wheelmen may discuss sprocket and tire undisturbed. All the cycling publications will be kept on file here.
A neat and dressy uniform has been adopted to which all will be expected to conform, and this is the only requirement to membership in the annex. There are several embryo "flyers" in the club and another season will see the red and white of Olympia somewhere near the van of the cycling column.
Captain Russ is alive to his opportunities, and makes an efficient officer, while Lieutenants F. Hunter and Haley are his right and left bowers. Last Tuesday evening that veteran wheelman, R. M. Welch, was elected presiding officer, and Lewis C. Hunter was elected secretary.
A run to Mill Valley has been called for to-morrow, leaving the clubhouse at 8:30 A. M.
It has attracted comment that the Olympic Club of this city, the oldest amateur athletic organization on the Pacific coast and assuming to be foremost in the encouragement of every form of sport, should have so long neglected cycling. It was not until the summer of the present year that any positive effort was made toward fostering this sport. A mere handful of enthusiasts within the club then induced it to open its doors to the old San Francisco Bicycle Club. Encouraged by the re-inforcements thus obtained the friends of cycling started in with great vigor to make their favorite sport a feature of the Olympic Club. It was first decided that the cycling section should be known as the Olympic Club Wheelmen. A distinctive but neat and serviceable uniform was adopted, consisting of cap, coat and knickerbockers of dark blue cloth, with white sweater, the cap and sweater bearing the emblem of the Olympic Club, the winged O in red. Joining the California Associated Cycling Clubs the wheelmen participated in the annual parade of the clubs at San Jose on September 9th last, and were awarded the prize for the most attractive appearance in line.
That there is much to be accomplished before the wheelmen of the club can hope to take a place in cycling equal to that occupied by the Olympic Club in other fields of sport is fully realized. Any man can ride a bicycle, but to carry the colors of his club to the front on the road or path calls for a high degree of physical excellence. The Olympic Club offers every facility for attaining this excellence, and that with proper encouragement racing men will be developed may be reasonably expected.
Foremost among those who are identified with cycling within the club is Robert R. Russ, the present captain of the wheelmen. He was born in this city about twenty-six years ago, and is the son of the well-known pioneer and capitalist, A. G. Russ. He has a lively appreciation of all kinds of sport, is an all-round athlete, and takes an active part in the exercises of the Olympic Club, ot which he is a life member.
Frank L. Hunter, the first lieutenant of the wheelmen, is satisfied to devote his energies almost exclusively to cycling, considering it the greatest of all sport. W. H. Haley, the second lieutenant, is perhaps the speediest rider in the club, and bids fair to develop into a great racing man. Lewis C. Hunter, the secretary of the wheelmen, is also secretary-treasurer of the California Associated Cycling Clubs, to which position he was elected at the meeting of the board of governors of the associated clubs held in this city on the 7th inst. Martin Espinosa, Edward Stack, J. A. R. Johnson, J. H. Ballin, O. A. Weihe, J. H. Dieckman Jr., F. L. Fuller, O. B. Burns, L. B. Thomas, H. C. Massie, L. H. Cox, W. B. Lovegrove, L. D. Owens, J. L. Fagothey, G. H. Stratton, S. G. Scovern, H. C Hahn, H. S. Russ, N. A. Robinson, J. M. Rogers, Henry Rogers, Harry Gibbs, J. W. Mullen, W. P. Fuller, T. C. Mastelller, Frank Twichell, Cress Unger and H. H. White are some of the prominent and active members of the wheelmen. Director J. R. McElroy is the presiding officer of the wheelmen, and represents them in the board of directors of the Olympic Club.
Officers and Directors Elected at the Meeting Held Last Evening. The Olympic cyclers held an enthusiastic meeting last evening and the large attendance of members indicated that the club is in perfect harmony and a thriving condition.
The principal object of the meeting was to elect directors and officers for the ensuing term. With but two exceptions the old board was re-elected, and there is no change in the officers. The directors for the ensuing term are: J. F. Coffey, J. H. Sheehan, S. J. Blake, T. B. McGinniss, F. R. Butz, Lloyd Conkling, Dr. O. B. Burns, Charles F. Morel, W. D. Shea.
The officers are: J. F. Coffey, president; J. H. Sheehan, vice-president; T. B. McGinniss, secretary; S. I. Blake, treasurer: F. R. Butz, captain; J. F. Cooney, first lieutenant; George W. Conroy, second lieutenant.
It was decided to invite the Olympic Club wheelmen to a joint run with the cyclers at some near future date.
A special meeting will be held Friday evening, January 24, to receive a committee from the League of American Wheelmen, which will address the club upon the desirability of its joining the league.

H. V. Scott, Secretary, Geo. H. Stratton, Treasurer, Chas. A. Adams, President, C. J. Leighton, W. B. Fawcett, Captain, Frank W. Fuller, John F. Plagemann,
The San Francisco Call, 13 Jun 1896
Pages which link here:
- Oakland Bicycle Club (← links)
- CYCLING NEWS AND COMMENT. - The San Francisco Examiner - 25 May 1895 (← links)
- A CYCLING RECORD BROKEN. - The San Francisco Examiner - 03 Jun 1895 (← links)
- CYCLING NEWS AND COMMENT. - The San Francisco Examiner - 01 Jun 1895 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN - The San Francisco Call, 01 Jun 1895 (← links)
- Robert M. Welch (← links)
- STRIVING FOR GOOD STREETS. - The San Francisco Examiner - 22 May 1895 (← links)
- The Wheelmen - The San Francisco Call, 25 May 1895 (← links)
- File:Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 5.52.42 PM.png (← links)
- San Jose Road Club (← links)
- San Francisco Bicycle Track Association (← links)
- Reliance Club Wheelmen (← links)
- Walter F. Foster (← links)
- CYCLERS IN TRAINING - San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 1895 (← links)
- TROUBLE OVER A ROAD RACE. - San Francisco Chronicle, 20 Jun 1896 (← links)
- Bertram Bernhard (← links)
- William H. Haley (← links)
- George H. Stratton (← links)
- Stanley G. Scovern (← links)
- Robert R. Russ (← links)
- Clarence N. Ravlin (← links)
- Norval Alonzo Robinson (← links)
- Leonard D. Owens (← links)
- Walter Romain Lovegrove (← links)
- Charles F. Lemmon (← links)
- George Fuller (← links)
- Olympic Wheelmen Name Officers. - The San Francisco Examiner, 28 Jul 1897 (← links)
- Frank W. Fuller (← links)
- Walter B. Fawcett (← links)
- Clint R. Coulter (← links)
- Edward Chapman (← links)
- FOR GOOD WHEELING. - The San Francisco Call, 24 Oct 1895 (← links)
- Charles Albert Adams (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 08 Jun 1895 (← links)
- L. A. W. Officials - The San Francisco Examiner, 22 Sep 1894 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 27 Apr 1895 (← links)
- File:Screen Shot 2021-10-11 at 8.33.06 PM.png (← links)
- Floyd A. McFarland (← links)
- W. W. Needham (← links)
- Charles S. Wells (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN - Track to Be Used in the Tournament. - A Matter of Interest to Racers. - San Francisco Chronicle, 19 Jan 1895 (← links)
- Olympic Wheelmen (redirect page) (← links)
- Walter F. Foster (← links)
- William H. Haley (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN - Track to Be Used in the Tournament. - A Matter of Interest to Racers. - San Francisco Chronicle, 19 Jan 1895 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 15, 15 June 1895 (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN. - A Cycling Trip to Santa Cruz - San Francisco Chronicle, 29 Jun 1895 (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN - J. B. Carey Rides the First Century. - The Question of Race Meet Dates. - San Francisco Chronicle, 26 Jan 1895 (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN - San Francisco Chronicle, 08 Sep 1894 (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN - San Francisco Chronicle, 22 Jun 1895 (← links)
- R. L. Long (← links)
- AMONG THE WHEELMEN - J. E. Edwards - San Francisco Chronicle, 27 Apr 1895 (← links)
- Doings of the Wheelmen. - The San Francisco Call, 22 Jul 1899 (← links)
- J. W. Coffroth (← links)
- W. H. Stinson (← links)
- OUT AMONG THE WHEELMEN. - Reliance Races Coming This Afternoon. - LIBERTY'S LADIES' ANNEX. - San Francisco Chronicle, September 07, 1895 (← links)
- WHEELMEN PLANNING FOR CLUB TOURS - The San Francisco Call - Saturday, October 06, 1900 (← links)
- STARTERS ARE READY FOR THE ROAD RACE - The San Francisco Call - October 08, 1898 (← links)
- "SMOKER" OF THE BAY CITY CLUB TO-NIGHT - The San Francisco Call - October 15, 1898 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call - August 29, 1896 (← links)
- John Beckett (← links)
- READY FOR THE RELAY RACE. - San Francisco Examiner - March 31, 1894 (← links)
- Arthur C. Thornton (← links)
- Lewis C. Hunter (← links)
- Olympic Club (← links)
- PICNIC RUNS ARE NOW THE CYCLERS' PASTIME - The San Francisco Call, 11 Jun 1898 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 15, 15 June 1895 (← links)
- WITH THE WHEELMEN. - San Francisco Chronicle - 05 Jan 1895, Sat - Page 12 (← links)
- John Breuner (← links)
- HIS RACING CAREER - Walter Foster Gets Favorable Mention. - Alameda Daily Argus, 19 Oct 1895 (← links)