THE WHEEL. - Picnic Run of the Bay Citys - Oakland's Lady Riders - Oakland's Lady Riders - The San Francisco Call, 13 Apr 1890
Picnic Run of the Bay Citys - Oakland's Lady Riders.
The Bay City Wheelmen are greatly pleased over the prospect of at last having a Sunday when the weather will permit them to have a run. They hold their annual picnic to-day at Lake Honda and expect a very large attendance, both of members and visitors from other clubs. The Oakland club will have a majority of its riders present, and at least a half dozen of the Vineyard Valley cyclists will participate. Captain Richardson has made excellent arrangements for the comfort of those going on the picnic, and the Committee on Refreshments is confident that its report in the shape of "grub" will be amply appreciated.
Chief Consul Thompson will shortly issue the most comprehensive road book that has ever appeared on this Coast. Besides a full list of league officials, hotels, plans of runs, etc., the work will contain several maps and an article on touring by ex-Captain Meeker of the Bay City Wheelmen, which is expected to be very interesting and valuable. Mr. Thompson says the book will not be delayed longer than the 1st of May.
J. J. Bliss, who at one time was recognized as the most extensive tourist on the wheel in California, has retired from active riding. He is devoting all his spare time to the improvement of his ranch.
The friends of W. P. Lawlor of the Olympic Club despair of his becoming a good long-distance man, as they expected. They say he has plenty or wind, but lacks "sand."
The week has been a charming one as far as bicycle racing is concerned and the roads both in this city and the interior are now in pretty good shape. A great deal of park riding has been done and a large number of wheelmen contemplate short excursions into the country to day.
The number of lady riders in Oakland is increasing. A. A. Bouton has a number of pupils whom he is instructing on ladies' safeties.
H. A. Matthews, much to the regret of his fellow riders, will not this season resume active riding, as he intended. He finds that his business will occupy too much of his time.
In case the threatened expulsion of one of the members of the San Francisco Club is accomplished, there is a likelihood of several resignations being handed in. On the other hand, if the obstreperous member is not ostracised a number will surely withdraw. In either case the club is certain to lose several riders.
Walter A. Scott, the long-distance champion, will, after the games on Memorial day, put in his spare time riding on his safety.
Thomas Cobden, the Superintendent of one of the bicycle agencies, rides to and from his place of business on his safety every day. This practice is becoming more general among wheelmen, especially those living in Oakland.
A moonlight run to San Jose is being arranged for by the Oakland wheelmen.
Frederick Clift of Oakland has been appointed a member of the District Racing Board.
W. Dalton Smith estimates that there are half a million cyclists in England, and gives as his authority the "Badminton Library" cycling volume. "In it," says Mr. Smith, "Lord Bury says that in 1865 he made inquiries through the Consuls of the C. T. C., with the result that he was led to the conclusion that they numbered 500,000." The increase of makers and the large sales of cycles since then, he claims, indicate an increase of at least 100,000 riders.
The first bicycle-race of the season will be held at San Jose on Wednesday, April 23d. The distance will probably be a one or five mile handicap. The Garden City wheelmen should be able to provide sufficient entries alone to make the race interesting.