D. L. Burke

From Wooljersey


Brother of W. A. Burke


For the next race, a quarter of a mile dash, W. S. Wing, Jas. W. Lancaster, J. Phil Percival, P. L. Abel and D. L. Burke were entered, but only the last-named rider appeared, and he went over the distance in the comparatively slow lime of 43 1/4 seconds.

The half-mile dash was another interesting event, the following entries having been made: W. S. Wing, E. Cole, Jas. W. Lancaster, J. Phil Fercival, P. L. Abel and D. L. Burke. Of these, only three came to scratch, Burke, Lancaster and Cole, and after running 200 yards Cole retired, leaving the finish between his two competitors. Burke had no difficulty in distancing his advergary, and the blackboard showed a record of 1.26 1/4 as he rode back to the dressing-room.


For the one-mile open race entries were made by T. Romero, George F. Martineau, Fred Corey, W. S. Wing, James W. Lancaster, D. L. Burke, J. Phil Percival and and Frank Scheidler, but only Martineau, Lancaster, Burke and Scheidler were on hand. It was an easy event for Burke, and he won in 2:52 1/4, Lancaster finishing second, Scheidler third and Martineau fourth.

THE WHEELMEN. - Successful Celebration of the Annual Meet. - Los Angeles Herald, 31 May 1889

D. L. Burke, the champion of the State, first began to ride in Los Angeles in 1889. The State meet was held in Los Angeles in that year and Burke captured three firsts out of four starts. Since that time he has won innumerable races and holds all the Southern California records, as well as many of the State records. Last year at Riverside Burke beat Waller and Foster of San Francisco. In the mile race Burke cut the coast record from 2:36 1-5 to 2:33. The southern champion attended the league meet at Stockton last year and swept everything before him, lowering the coast records for a quarter, half and one mile. On Saturday following the meet Burke rode a quarter of a mile from a standing start in 33 seconds, and the half in 1:09. He also has a three mile record of 8:30. Burke is a phenomenal spurter, and how fast he could ride on the Eastern tracks is a matter of conjecture, but 2:12 for a mile should not stop him.

OUR CYCLE CHAMPIONS. - The Fastest Riders in the State. - San Francisco Chronicle, 29 Apr 1893

"The presentation of medals to the successful contestant in each of the events of the recent intercollegiate athletic field day took place in the Aristotelian hall of the University of Southern California on the evening of Washington's birthday. The hall was filled to the corridors with students and their friends. While the crowd was assembling the appearance of each favorite was the signal for applause. David L. Burke, the coast champion bicyclist, was present to cheer for the U. S. C. He had two young ladies of University in charge.