"SMOKER" OF THE BAY CITY CLUB TO-NIGHT - The San Francisco Call - October 15, 1898
The Bay City Wheelmen will entertain their friends on an elaborate scale at the club house, 441 Golden Gate avenue, this evening. There will be a members' meeting early, from 8:15 to 8:45, for the purpose of enabling the directors to outline to the members the policy of the club for the ensuing year. This over with, the festivities will begin, and the entertainment committee promises that hereafter the members will date everything of importance in the club from the time of the big "smoker" on October 15, 1898. The programme will represent all sorts of jollity, and during its rendition the house committee will dispense various soothing beverages. The affair is being looked to with much eagerness by the rank and file in cycledom.
William Mackie, secretary of the Olympic Wheelmen, was married at San Jose Wednesday, the 12th, to Miss Louise Elise Waters, and has been kept busy ever since accepting the congratulations of his many friends here.
The Reno Wheelmen now enjoy a membership of 225. At the semi-annual election held recently the following officers were selected: W. W. Webster, president; W. H. McInnis, vice-president; J. M. Gray, secretary; W. T. Perkins, treasurer; trustees, Rev. F. V. Jones, Gus Koppe, S. P. Reeves, F. M. Schaedler, John Shaver; racing board, Sam Mozingo, Charles Becker, Dr. C. A. Coffin.
The Cycle Clubs' Baseball League has been organized for 1898-99, with the following clubs: Bay City Wheelmen, California Cycling Club, Olympic Club Wheelmen and San Francisco Road Club. Many of the good players on the Olympic Cyclers' team, the champions of last year's tournament, will be on the Olympic Wheelmen's team this year. The Californias will miss their crack catcher, Cunha, who is attending college, and the Bay Citys will be minus one of their pitchers, McGillvray, who is mining in Mexico. Otherwise the teams will be about the same as last year.
President Adams has appointed a committee of four, Stanley G. Scovern, A. P. Swain, Mr. Gaeller and J. F. Hancock, to arrange for the annual theater party of the Associated Cycling Clubs at the Tivoli Wednesday evening, November 2. The San Francisco Road Club members will have a yacht ride to-morrow on the Volunteer. There will be a five-mile road race the first Sunday in November.
R. C. Lennie and E. Ross Lozier have returned from a business trip through Southern California. Joseph A. Ostendorf is expected back from the East about November 1 with a full line of 1899 Cleveland samples. H. A. Goddard will probably return from Australia on the Mariposa next Wednesday.
P. H. Bernays of the Columbia house and S. G. Chapman, representing Stearns, have gone East to talk over '99 business. Mr. Bernays thinks there will be some radical changes in appearance and detail of the next year's machines.
The Bay City Wheelmen will hold a five-mile handicap road race early in November.
Ivan Treadwell contemplates an attack on all short distance coast records from a quarter up to two miles, on the San Jose track in about three weeks, and is now rapidly conditioning himself. He will have plenty of pacing, and his admirers think he can do the trick.
The Eagle Cycling Club of Napa recently elected the following officers: A. McCuaig, president; W. Keig, vice-president; F. Wilson, financial secretary; W. Wilson, recording secretary; E. Amstutz, treasurer; C. Blaken, captain.
The Olympic Wheelmen will hold a racing matinee at the Elmhurst track in a week or so, when George Fuller and other cracks will be sent for paced records.