BICYCLE TOURNAMENT. - A Great One Soon to be Held at the New Pavilion. - The Record-Union, 28 Jun 1896
A Great One Soon to be Held at the New Pavilion.
On July 23d, 24th and 25th Sacramento will be given a treat which San Francisco people have been enjoying for the past year, and to which they have shown their appreciation by turning out in thousands at each event. That is an indoor bicycle racing tournament.
M. N. Winans, the promoter, is sparing neither money nor pains to make this one of the greatest meets ever held on the Pacific Coast.
A new eight-lap track is now under course of construction in the New Pavilion, Fifteenth and N streets, and will without doubt be the fastest indoor track in the world.
Frank E. Elwell of San Francisco, who designed and constructed the late Central Park track, and also the three-lap track at the Midwinter Fair in San Francisco, has been secured by Mr. Winans at a great expense to build the track, and his well-known ability obviates all danger which exists on tracks of the kind not properly constructed.
This tournament will be held under the sanction of the League of American Wheelmen, of which organization Mr. Winans is Local Consul at Sacramento.
Professionals and amateurs will be here from all parts of this State, Oregon and Washington, as the prizes aggregate $1,000 for the three nights.
In all, it promises to be one of the grandest events of the season, and one which the Sacramento people will thoroughly enjoy.