CYCLISTS WILL GATHER AT HAYWARDS FOR BIG RACE - San Jose Mercury-news, 26 April 1903

Contest for Eldridge Trophy Will Be an Exciting Event With Six Teams in the Race. Local Wheelmen Have Strong Riders.
[This next part is barely legible, as scanned. - MF]
Over fifty members of the Garden City Wheelmen will leave this city early this morning for Haywards to be in attendance at the race for the Eldridge trophy, which will be held under the auspices of the California Associated Cycling Clubs. There will be five teams in the race besides the local team. They will represent the Oakland Wheelmen, the Bay City Cyclers, the California Cyclers, the Pacific Cyclers and the Vallejo Wheelmen.
The race will start at 10 o'clock this morning, with a man from each club in the first relay. Every five minutes following another similar group will be turned loose and they will fly down the course. The average times will be taken and the team having the highest average for the race will be awarded the cup.
The local team is composed of L. and P. Maggini, A. Owen, W. Waibel, Emile Agraz, Carl Marty, Merle Gray, W. Dieffenbacher, J. Buick and J. Berryessa, and all are in the pink of condition. Captain Dermody says they will be able to ride the races of their lives. All but three of the members of the team are new at the racing game, and many of the older riders are inclined to think that their inexperience in riding will lose for them the race. Others hold differently however, and claim that the San Jose youngsters will so far outdistance their competitors that there will be only one side to the race.
By noon to-day the tale will be told and the wise ones will then know better than they do this morning.
CYCLISTS WILL GATHER AT HAYWARDS FOR BIG RACE - San Jose Mercury-news, 26 April 1903