THE WHEELMEN - The Camera Club Cyclists Will Tour Through Lake County - The San Francisco Call, 29 Jun 1895

From Wooljersey


The Camera Club Cyclists Will Tour Through Lake County.

Club Events To-Morrow.

California Cycling Club — Run to La Honda.
Crescent Road Club — Run to Redwood City.
Golden Gate Cycling Club — race, San Mateo course.
Imperial Cycling Club — Club races at Central Park.
Liberty Cycling Club — to Mill Valley.
Outing Road Club — Run to the beach, and Presidio.
Reliance Club Wheelmen — Picnic run.
Royal Cycling Club — Run to Camp Taylor.

The wheeling season is at its height now and track and road races and country touring are the order of the day. Many private parties are arranging to visit the Yosemite Valley or Lake County, which appear to have the call for touring purposes, as presenting the most attractions at the least expense of time and money. There are runs by all the clubs nearly every Sunday to some point within a radius of fifty miles of their abode and often further. The trip to San Jose is a popular journey with the city riders, most of whom prefer to make it from Fruitvale, as the distance is ten miles shorter and the roads somewhat better than on this side of the bay. On the Fourth of July there are no less than eleven track events scheduled throughout the State, as will appear by the latest bulletin from the racing board published in this column. Of course, the greatest interest will center on the annual meet of the North California division, League of American Wheelmen, to be held at San Jose. All the fast riders will compete, the track is a record-breaker and the prizes and general management of the meet excellent. Most of the wheelmen from this City will ride down Wednesday afternoon and return Friday morning. There will be two social functions for the wheelmen on the night of the Fourth — a dance at the San Jose Road Club's hall and a reception by the Ladies' Cycling Club at the Pratt Home. Naturally the latter has the call, as the Ladies' Cycling Club are noted hostesses, and both affairs will be very enjoyable.

A party of Camera Club Cyclists will start to-morrow morning for a ten days' trip through Lake County. Prominent among them are Charles A. Adams, president of the club; J. J. B. Argenti, professor of botany, California College of Pharmacy; Byron D. Bent and H. C. Owens, all well-known amateur photographers. Never before has such a party visited this garden spot of California on wheels, and it is beyond question that they will bring back with them some splendid views taken along the route, as they are experienced artists and carry the latest and most improved cameras. These pictures will be made into slides, which are sent around the world to other camera clubs, exchanges being continually made between these organizations. It might be mentioned that the California Camera Club is the only one in the world having an active cycling annex. It is also the only club giving monthly exhibitions. The cycling annex is a feature of the club, and some of the finest California scenic views have been made since its inception through the opportunity the wheel affords the artists to travel.

When it was decided to make this trip into Lake County, Mr. Bent, who was the leading spirit in the movement, agreed to prepare an itinerary of the trip, showing the route to be traveled, distances traversed daily and points of interest visited. This he has done, and as it is an excellent guide for any party desiring to visit Lake County on wheels it is here published:

Sunday, June 30 — 7:30 a. m. train to St. Helena, arrive 10:30 a. m., fare $2 05; St. Helena to White Sulphur Springs, 2 miles, for lunch; back to St. Helena and out to Aetna Springs, 16 miles, for the night. Total mileage for the day, 20.

Monday, July 1 — Aetna to Middletown, 13 miles, and out to Harbin Springs for lunch, 4 miles; back to Middletown and a short run to Anderson, 5 miles, for the night. Day's mileage, 26.

Tuesday, July 2 — Anderson to Adams Springs, 10 miles; Adams to Sieglers Springs for lunch, 3 miles; to Highland Springs for the night, 16 miles. Day's mileage, 29.

Wednesday, July 3 — Highland to Lakeport, 10 miles, lunch; take boat at 4 p. m. for Bartlett Landing (on lake one hour); to Bartlett Springs 15 miles, should arrive at 8:30 p.m. Mileage, 25.

Thursday, July 4 — Bartlett Springs all day; "fireworks."

Friday, July 5 — To Bartlett Landing, 15 miles; to Upper Lake, 8 miles; to Saratoga, 3 miles; to Blue Lakes or Laurel Dell, 1 mile; lunch; to Ukiah and out to Vichy Springs, 23 miles, for the night; day's mileage, 50.

Saturday, July 6 — Vichy to Ukiah, 3 miles; to Hopland, 14 miles; to Duncan Springs, 2 miles; lunch; then to Cloverdale, 16 miles, for the night, stopping at the United States Hotel; day's mileage, 37.

Sunday, July 7 — The Geysers, 21 miles.

Monday, July 8 — The Geysers all day.

Tuesday, July 9 — The Geysers to Kellogg, 20 miles; thence to Mark West Springs, 10 miles, for the day; day's mileage, 30.

Wednesday, July 10 — Mark West to Santa Rosa, 9 miles; to Petaluma, 16 miles, and home, 37 miles, which includes train from San Rafael and ferry; day's mileage, 62.

Lake County as a touring ground for wheelmen is fast growing in popularity. As yet the beauty and convenience of the trip are barely known, but once over the ground the rider is sure to go again. Tha many attractions serve as an incentive to go slow, which makes it thoroughly enjoyable for the new rider or the "scorcher." The average wheelman seldom stops long at any place; he is always on the move. This inclination receives a setback on the Lake County trip, and he who rides fast misses half its beauties. As the county is full of resorts and springs you need not stop at a single hotel during the entire trip, save at Cloverdale. As these springs are strictly summering places you will find everybody at leisure, and the fare is the best the country affords. Mr. Bent urges the advisability of remaining in Cloverdale over night and getting an early start the next morning for the Geysers, as the road to the Geysers at midday can only be compared to the infernal regions. The above itinerary is perfectly correct and is so planned that all the famous resorts will be visited, the best roads traversed and the longest day's wheeling, the fifty miles from Bartlett to Vichy Springs, comes in the middle of the trip. Most of the distances can be made in the cool of the mornings and late afternoons, thus avoiding the heat of midday. The rates at all the stopping-places are very moderate, and at no place is any attempt at extortion made. Wheelmen are always welcome and made to feel at home, and members of the League of American Wheelmen should not fail to carry their membership cards with them, as they can thereby secure a reduction in rates at all the stopping-places.

Map Showing Routes Through Lake County
30 Jun - 10 Jul 1895 Camera Club Cyclists tour in Lake county.jpg

The map accompanying this article will give an accurate idea of the location of the various points of interests to be visited on the trip to Lake County.

See also CHAT ABOUT THE CYCLE. - The San Francisco Call, 08 Aug 1892.

As announced exclusively in the Call of last week Allan Jones and Clarence Davis joined the Olympic Club Wheelmen and will ride under the colors of the winged "O" at the San Jose meet. Their desertion of the Garden City Cyclers is still the uppermost topic of conversation among the wheelmen, but it will probably all be forgotten in the excitement of the league meet next week.

J. E. Alexander of the Garden City Cyclers will not race this season. He is going to Cornell University to complete his education.

The Pacific Cycling Club had an enjoyable run to Halfmoon Bay last Sunday. The run started Saturday afternoon and was followed by a second division Sunday morning, who made fast time over the hills. There was a large attendance and the members spent several hours fishing for eels. They made a good catch and F. M. Harter landed one weighing eight pounds. The roads were in good condition and there was not an accident or puncture to mar the trip.

Last Monday evening the Pacific Cycling Club held its annual election of officers, with the following result: A. Herbst, president; Frank Scott, vice-president; Henry H. Paulsen, secretary-treasurer; F. W. Paulsen, captain; Frank Flaglor, first lieutenant. Ex-Captain Charles W. Etting was presented with a handsome medal by the club as a token of good will. He has been captain ever since the club was organized and has taken a great deal of interest in its welfare. The medal is of a very original design, the bar being shaped like a comet (the club emblem), while the body of the medal is a perfect little bicycle wheel, the two parts being joined together by links shaped like trouser- guards. Mr. Etting was taken wholly by surprise when the presentation was made, but found words to express his gratitude.

The Royal Cycling Club will shortly move to 1017 Golden Gate avenue, near Laguna street, where they are now having a house neatly fitted up for them. They will then be on "Cycle Row," as the avenue is sometimes called on account of the great number of cycleries and wheeling clubs located on it. The Royals will enjoy a run to Camp Taylor Sunday under Lieutenant Sternberg. Austin Liebes, Henry Meyer and M. Harrison have recently joined the club. Secretary Lichtenstein will spend his vacation awheel in Lake County, starting the first week in July.

The Outing Road Club moved into their new quarters at 1539 Eddy street last Monday evening. They will have an opening in the shape of a "smoker" before long. To-morrow the club will enjoy a run to the beach and Presidio. Several of the members discovered on crossing the bridge at San Leandro last Sunday, after the Associated Clubs' run, that some miscreant had strewn the bridge with tacks. These useful little articles make sad havoc with pneumatic tires, and probably some small boys thought they could stop the entire run of the association as completely by doing this as if they had erected a brick wall instead. As it happened, though, Captains Dodge and Burke, who led the run, had been informed of the presence of the tacks on the bridge before leaving Oakland, so the run was led to one side, over the electric road tracks. This trick of strewing tacks over thoroughfares constantly traversed by wheelmen is getting quite prevalent in some localities, and as a pastime serves as a variety to the small boy who was wont to place cartridges upon car tracks heretofore. A few sharp reprimands would have a desirable effect, but the trouble is the cyclists can never catch the little scamps at it. As prevention is better than cure, I guess we all have to get tires that are impervious to tacks, if some genius will invent them.

The racing board has issued its bulletin No. 13, dated June 27, 1895, as follows:

Additional sanctions granted — July 4, Vaca Valley Trotting Association, Dixon; July 4, Rose City Wheelmen, Chico; July 4, Lompoc Wheelmen, Lompoc.

Riders are warned that the L. A. W., through its racing board, has sole jurisdiction over all racing in the United States. The idea prevails among those uninformed that the board enforces its rules only against members of the league. All riders in the United States are classified as amateurs of class A or B or as professionals, in accordance with the league's definitions of such classes, and so soon as a rider enters a competitive event he becomes subject to the supervision of the racing board. Every racing event requires the sanction of the board. Any rider competing in an unsanctioned event is liable to suspension from racing for a term at the pleasure of the board. In the case of men who are informed and apparently act in defiance of the sanction rule the term of suspension is one year.

Riders before starting in a race should ascertain that the promoters have a sanction for the event. The only exception is a content on the public highways, which the league will not recognize, except to the extent of prohibiting the competing therein of the amateur classes with professionals. No sanctions are granted for races between females, and the presence of such an event on a programme is without the authority of the board. If a sanction for a meeting is held and the promoters attempt to introduce such an event they are acting in bad faith with the board, and riders are cautioned to withdraw from the meeting.

Following are the sanctions issued for July 4 next. Riders should take notice and avoid other meetings, unless a sanction issued at a later date than this bulletin is exhibited:

San Jose — Annual division meet.
Petaluma — Petaluma Wheelmen.
Stockton — Stockton Athletic Association.
Oakland — Brooklyn Parlor No. 151, N. S. G. W.
Dixon — Vaca Valley Trotting Association.
Chico — Rose City Wheelmen.
Los Angeles — Los Angeles Wheelmen.
Ontario — Ontario Wheelmen.
San Diego — Coronado Track Association.
Redlands — Redlands Cycling Club.
Ventura — Ventura Wheelmen.
Lompoc — Lompoc Wheelmen.

Transferred to class B — B. E. Clark, under clause D, class A rule, San Jose. H. E. McCrea, under clause B, class A rule, Log Angeles.

Representative national racing board in California.

The Liberty Cycling Club held an election last Tuesday evening and the following are now the officers for the ensuing term: C. Westphal, president; W. E. Bouton, secretary-treasurer; C. Steiner, captain; A. Joost, first lieutenant; William Fanning, second lieutenant and surgeon. The club will have a run to Mill valley to-morrow, leaving on the 9 o'clock boat. A dance at the clubrooms some time in July is contemplated. H. E. Morton, ex-president of the Libertys, will start for Nanaimo next Thursday by sailing vessel and will enjoy a vacation of several weeks in British Columbia wheeling and hunting.

Edward P. Armbruster of the Olympic Club Wheelmen and George Reith, unattached, will go through Lake County on their wheels, starting Sunday, June 30. They will be absent a fortnight. The Golden Gate Cycling Club held a banquet and election of officers last night at the clubrooms, 228 Thirteenth street. To-morrow the club will hold a five-mile handicap road race over the San Mateo course, starting early in the morning. Thus far the entrants and their handicaps are: Captain J. Quadt, Lieutenant R. Siebe and Secretary A. G. Maass, scratch; August Steigeler, 15 seconds; H. Schwartz, 40 seconds; Ed Dwyer, 1 minute; William Fenstermacher, 1-1/4 minutes; G. A. Holler, 1-1/2 minutes. The impression is general that President Fenstermacher with 1-1/4 minutes handicap, should win the race.

The Bay City Wheelmen have no run called for to-morrow, so most of the members will frequent the park and give their now [new?] white duck suits a chance to get fitted to their forms. Judge F. H. Kerrigan, the president of the club, returned Thursday afternoon from a month's trip in the vicinity of Lake Tahoe, in company with Frank H. Dunne, grand president of the Native Sons. Yesterday morning they started on a wheel to Aetna Springs and will roam around Lake County until the middle of next week, when they will go to San Jose to attend the league meet.

Frank H. Watters and Arthur Davis, two well-known members of the Bay City Wheelmen, are about to go into the cycle business in this City.

Charles S. Wells and H. F. Terrill, the club's two best racers, returned from their Los Angeles trip Thursday. Terrill was sick while there and only started in one race, wherein he rode a lap and then withdrew. Wells was in fine form and won more than his share of prizes. The riders say they were very hospitably treated by the Los Angeles wheelmen.

The Crescent Road Club has a regular run called for to-morrow to Redwood City, starting from the clubrooms, 813 Octavia street, at 8:30 a. m.

The Golden City Wheelmen, a club recently organized here, is progressing finely. One of the members is Jules Berges, an old-time wheelman, who is directing their energies in the right groove, and as a result the club is prospering. It was the Golden City members who took charge of the kitchen at the Grand Hotel at Niles and many a half-starved wheelman was served with a hearty meal as a result.

The Imperial Cycling Club will hold several club races for class A riders at the Central Park track to-morrow morning. No prizes are offered, and the events are merely for the purpose of developing new racing talent among the members.

The California Cycling Club will hold a run to La Honda to-night and to-morrow. Captain Burk announces the start will be from the clubrooms, Twenty-second and Folsom streets, at 6:30 o'clock to-night, and the members will ride to Woodside and there remain over night, making an early start in the morning for their destination. The trip leads one through a very pretty stretch of country, mostly mountainous after leaving Redwood City, but divided into a two days' journey, as this is, it should be easily made even by new riders.

The annual meeting of the Imperial Cycling Club will be held at the clubrooms, 636 Golden Gate avenue, next Monday evening, and a large attendance of the members is requested. The Reliance Club Wheelmen of Oakland have a picnic run on the cards for tomorrow, but the destination is known only to Captain Bates, and where he will lead them to is a question.