Ladies' Cycling Club
San Jose, CA
"They have just completed a handsome silk banner of blue and white - the club colors - richly embroidered with the club emblem, a crescent and wheel worked in silver bullion. Each member will also wear a badge of blue and white ribbons, with the letters L. C. C. worked thereon in silver."
SAN JOSE, August 30. - Last fall five young ladies of this city, who had succeeded in mastering the art of riding a bicycle without falling off in every block, decided that a ladies' bicycle club would fill a long-felt want. Their brothers, cousins and sweethearts had organized and were always talking club, and why should not the girls emulate their example! The idea was no sooner formed than it was carried into execution, and on November 2d the Ladies' Cycling Club of San Jose was duly organized with five charter members, "just enough to fill the offices," as Vice-President Mrs. R. J. Butler puts it.
The young ladies have acted in a very conservative manner, and only good riders whose society is congenial are admitted. Still the club now has a membership of twenty-seven, and it is increasing steadily.
"There are a number of eligible young ladies in this city who ride," said the Vice-President, and they will soon become members, but we do not care to admit any one who has not learned to ride. It is very annoying when we are out for a run to have to wait for those who cannot stay on their wheels for more than a block. In short, in order to be eligible an applicant for membership must be able to ride without falling all over herself."
Of course the club must have its runs as well as the Garden City cyclers or the Road Club, and every Monday night is set apart for that purpose. Once in two weeks the girls invite their friends of the Garden City Cyclers and have what may be termed a picnic run. The first club run was called a "Tamale Run," and was participated in by the young men. The destination was Santa Clara and from all accounts they had an enjoyable time.
The ladies have no clubroom yet, but meet around at the houses of the members. However, they propose to have a clubroom or rooms soon, and since they have decided on it they are bound to attain their desires in the near future.
GROUP OF OFFICERS AND LEADING MEMBERS OF THE LADIES' CYCLING CLUB OF SAN JOSE."We have lots of fun and enjoy our runs immensely," they say, "and we will have our clubrooms just the same as the boys when we get ready."
The officers of the club are: President, Miss Cora Edwards; Vice-President, Mrs. R. J. Butler; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Wilcox, Captain, Miss Wana Miller. Just at this time the club is very busy preparing for their part in the grand parade with the Native Sons and Daughters on Admission Day. They have just completed a handsome silk banner of blue and white - the club colors - richly embroidered with the club emblem, a crescent and wheel worked in silver bullion. Each member will also wear a badge of blue and white ribbons, with the letters L. C. C. worked thereon in silver.
Under the efficient direction of Captain Wana Miller they are being put through a drill which will have a very pleasing effect. The most important feature of the drill is training in mounting and dismounting, and the girls prove themselves apt pupils, mounting and dismounting with the precision of cavalrymen.
A LADIES' BICYCLE CLUB. - The San Francisco Examiner, 01 Sep 1894
To-night will witness the inauguration of festivities at San Jose which will last until Monday night, and maybe until Tuesday morning. The Garden City Cyclers have spared neither expense nor pains to make this meet a success and their visitors welcome and, and in this vast undertaking have been materially helped by the hospitable citizens of the Garden City. The Ladies' Cycling Club has extended the visiting wheelmen the hand of friendship and will do all in its power to make the holidays an event unprecedented in the annals of cycling history. The ladies have arranged a garden tea party, and each lady cyclist will see that none of the male contingent departs without first partaking of that beverage, which invigorates; yet does not inebriate.
The Ladies' Cycling Club has elected Mrs. Will Alexander and the Misses Morril, Chase and Fifenberger to membership.