READY FOR THE BIG ROAD RACE - The San Francisco Call - Jun 8, 1901
The annual twenty-five mile handicap road race of the California Associated Cyclists will be held to-morrow morning over the San Leandro triangle, starting at 10 o'clock. Riders, officials and spectators will go over on the 8:30 broad gauge boat. The entries and handicaps were published in Thursday's Call.
There will also be a meet at the Elmhurst track on the San Leandro electric road to-morrow afternoon, the main event being a match race at five miles between Fred G. West of the Bay City Wheelmen and John E. Wing of the Garden City Wheelmen. There will also be a half-mile novice, two-mile motor cycle and one-mile handicap for amateurs.
The Bay City Wheelmen hald a very successful picnic run to Lake Pilarcitos last Sunday, forty-five members attend- ing, under the leadership of Captain A. E. J. Nye. E. B. Wastie, Tony Delmas and Lace Downing of the Garden City Wheelmen and Fred Evans of the Reliance Club also attended as guests of the club. The roads were in splendid condition.
The Bay Citys will hold their annual midsummer smoker and jinks to-night at the clubhouse, 441 Golden Gate avenue.