Sixth of a series of five-mile road races - San Jose Road Club - San Francisco Chronicle, 07 Aug 1893
SAN JOSE, August 6. - The sixth of the series of five-mile road races under the auspices of the San Jose Road Club was held this morning on the East San Jose course, and Otto Ziegler carried off first honors, winning the race and also lowering the five-mile coast record. A large crowd was present, and the California Bicycle Club of San Francisco was well represented. There were also a number of other visiting wheelmen.
Betting was lively, Osen, Smith and Ziegler being the favorites. The scratch men were Ziegler, J. C. Smith and Oscar Osen. A. M. Hobson and C. J. Belloli were given thirty seconds handicap and J. T. Bailey and C. J. Sullivan forty seconds each. The starting point was Quincey's motor-house, and the handicap men kept their lead till McLaughlin avenue was reached. There Sullivan was first, Bailey second, Belloli third and Hobson fourth. The scratch men came next, with Ziegler first and Osen and Smith following. On the King road the three scratch men passed the handicaps, and Osen led the race when the turn into Alum Rock avenue was made on the homestretch. Ziegler was second. Then the exciting race began. When about 400 yards from the finish Ziegler made a remarkable spurt, and began to crowd up until he took the lead. He crossed the finish mark first, making the run in 14m. 42 1.5s., amid wild cheering; J. C. Smith second, 14m. 45s.; Oscar Osen third, 14m. 45 2-5s., and Sullivan fourth, 15m. 11s. All of these broke the coast record of 15m. 48 1-5s., made by J. C. Smith of this city, who was in this morning's race.
Ziegler now holds the championship medal for the five-mile race. Having won it three times, it is now his individual property.