THE CYCLING MEN. - A SUPERB TRACK IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED. - San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Nov 1893

From Wooljersey
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Extraordinary Race Meet Promised During me Winter Fair.

The preliminary arrangements made by the executive committee of the athletic auxiliary of the Midwinter Fair would tend to indicate that there is to be a revival and boom in bicycling the coming season unprecedented in California.

The executive committee of the fair have given to the athletic auxiliary funds sufficient to build splendid athletic grounds just south of the south drive in the park - the grounds at the present time used for recreation purposes. It is the intention to put in a three-lap running track and a two or two and a half-lap bicycle track. The grounds will be used during the existence of the fair by the fair promoters, and to them will accrue the revenue which may be derived therefrom. After the fair is over the grounds will be thrown open to the public as a general recreation grounds for the city, and will undoubtedly be of lasting benefit to the community.

Elwell & Rice, the engineers employed by the Bay City Wheelmen in the construction of the track in Central Park, have been instructed to prepare preliminary drawings for the bicycle track. It is the intention to build it with a banking of about six feet on the two ends, with stretches of about thirty-five feet in width. This will give to San Francisco a track that will be equaled by very few, if any, tracks in the world. It is the intention to offer such prizes as will induce the attendance during the months of April, May and June, 1894, of the very cream of the racing talent of the United States, and, in fact, of the world.

Letters have already been sent to the Eastern cracks requesting their presence at this time. From some dispatches which were sent during the past week it has been learned that some of the men who have recently been breaking records in the East will surely be in attendance, and no doubt the majority of the crack men will be on hand.

The matter of bicycling has been left in the hands of George P. Wetmore, president of the Bay City Wheelmen, and a better choice could not have been made. He will appoint an advisory committee from the different sections of the State to assist him in arousing interest and promoting the work. It will be a great undertaking and one of incalculable benefit to bicycling.

The track, such as it is intended to build, will give Zimmerman, Johnson, Sanger, Windle, Tyler, Dirnberger, Bliss and Foster a chance to show what fast bicycle racing really is, and to bring forth all the talent which may be latent in this state.

The reunion run, which is to be held at the park to-morrow, weather permitting, will without doubt be the largest run ever held by wheelmen in this state. The captains of the Olympic Cycling Annex, California Cycling Club, Acme Athletic Club and Reliance Athletic Club of Oakland, the Garden City Cyclers of San Jose and many others have notified Captain Dodge of the Bay City Wheelmen that they have called runs of their respective clubs and will be on hand, at Van Ness and Golden Gate avenues at 10:15 A. M. A great many wheelmen from the cities around the bay will also be on hand. The run will start promptly at 10:15 A. M., going directly to the fair grounds. Permission has been obtained, so that the bicyclists, who have heretofore been restricted from using any of the fair grounds or roads, will have the privilege of inspecting the fair. Large photographs are to be taken in front of the Mechanic Arts building, so that they may serve not only as a souvenir of the run but of the building of the Midwinter Exposition. The run will continue to the beach. Those who please may then return home, while the others will visit the Presidio.

The parade which is to to held in Oakland on Thanksgiving Day gives promise of some lively contests. Some of the local clubs will turn out a large number of men. Two prizes have been offered, one to the club having the largest number of men in line, and one to the club presenting the best appearance. This will cause some little competition.

The Bay City Wheelmen are in high feather over the promised success of their minstrel show, which takes place Monday evening, December 4th.