Charles P. Fonda

From Wooljersey

Charles Patterson Fonda - 14 September 1861 – 22 December 1937


After dinner several songs were rendered by the San Francisco Bycicle quartet, consisting of B. C. Austin Jr., Charles B. Wheaton, A. M. Brown and Charles P. Fonda.

THE BICYCLE CLUB DINNER. - The San Francisco Examiner, 20 Jan 1887

Song, club quartet, consisting of B. C. Austin, A. M. Brown, Charles Wheaton and Charles Fonda; reading, Charles A. McDonald; violin solo, Beverly Letcher; card tricks, Thomas S. Cobden: Vocal solo, B. C. Austin Jr.; poem, Morris Feintuch, club poet; song, club quartet; remarks, Benjamin H. Patrick: vocal duet C. P. Fonda, B. C. Austin Jr.; remarks, Thomas Stevens; song, club quartet; piano solo, Henry S. Fonda.


Among those present were the following: George J. Hobe, J. Sanderson, Thomas Stevens, R. de Clairmont, T. S. Cobden, A. F. Lawton, H. Houseworth, Charles L. Davis, D. O'Callaghan, Alex Caven, Beverly Letcher, Harry Fonda, Charles P. Fonda, Charles B. Wheaton, A. M. Brown, B. C. Austin Jr., C. Waterhouse, M. Feintuch, H. A. Greene, O. C. Haslett, H. M. Whitely, R. M. Welch, N. A. Givovich, J. W. Gibson, B. H. Patrick, H. C. Finkler, W. Davis, J. F. McCarthy and Martin Gibson.

FAREWELL TO STEVENS. - The San Francisco Examiner, 22 Jan 1887

In the one mile for safeties of the rover type Fonda, San Francisco Bicycle Club and Off, Los Angeles Wheelmen, started. Fonda won in 3:11, being a quarter of a second slower than when he lost to Robinson at Oakland, June 9th last. It was a matter of regret that Robinson was not on hand to either defend his laurels or give Fonda his revenge.

The Wheel. - San Francisco Chronicle, 09 Jul 1888

A race with with Safeties between Fonda of San Francisco and Bouton of this city would be an interesting affair.

BIKES, TRIKES, AND SAFETIES. - Oakland Tribune, 17 Oct 1888

The starters in the fourth race were: A. L. Wulff, Oak Leaf: C. B. Lakenau, unattached; C. P. Fonda, San Francisco; W. A. Shockley, C. N. Langton and Sanford Plummer of the Bay Citys. Lakenau and Fonda drew out when it is seen that they were not in the race and Plummer took the lead to the last lap, when Shockley made a fast spurt, leading to the finish in 2:59 1/2, Plummer a good second, Wulft last.

The Bicycle Races at Stockton. - San Francisco Chronicle, 05 Jul 1889

The Bay City Wheelmen are delighted over the success of their committee appointed to take charge of the twenty-mile road race, which is to take place on the San Leandro triangle, on September 8th, at 10 o'clock in the morning.

The race will be a time handicap, the first ever given in California, and promises to be an exciting event. At least sixty contestants will face the starter. Among them will be: Cole, Cox, Wetmore, Thompson, Plummer, Smith, Lee, Ives, Charles P. Fonda, Wheaton, Hickenbotham and Southworth.

The San Francisco Call, 25 Aug 1890, Mon, Page 7 - WHEELMEN’S WHIRLS - Entries for the Twenty-five-mile Race. Trip to Tamalpais.

Charles P. Fonda, Charles B. Wheaton and Sanford Plummer are among the more recent old-time riders. Wheaton holds a record of 2:52 for the mile on the ordinary bicycle, a most creditable performance. Fonda devoted himself to safety racing and was a good man in his day. Plummer was noted principally in the road races of the Inter-Club Association, but has made some good time on the safety, his best performance being at Stockton, July 4, 1889, when he rode a mile on all solid-tired safety in 2:59 3-5 without any training or preparation whatsoever.

THE CYCLING WORLD - OLD TIME RACING MEN. - San Francisco Chronicle, Sat, Jul 8, 1893