GARDEN CITY CYCLERS. - They Are Prosperous and Elect Officers for Next Year. - The San Francisco Call, 26 Sep 1895
From Wooljersey
They Are Prosperous and Elect Officers for Next Year.
SAN JOSE, Cal., Sept. 25. — At the annual meeting of the Garden City cyclers last evening the reports of the various officers showed the organization to be in a prosperous condition, with a membership of 350. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, H. M. N. Spring; vice-president, S. G. Tompkins; financial secretary, H. A. Alexander; recording secretary, George Pollard; directors — A. C. McKenney, George Anderson, Henry Lion, J. A. Chase, Joe Delmas; captain, J. B. Carey; first lieutenant, Joe Edwards; second lieutenant, W. J. O'Brien; bugler, L. E. Whiting; color-bearer, Jack Dermody.