Opening of the Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club track at Schuetzen park - San Francisco Chronicle, 31 May 1892
Opening of the Alameda Athletic Club Grounds.
The largest procession of cyclists ever held on the Pacific slope formed on the corner of Park street and Encinal avenue, in Alameda, at noon yesterday, and proceeded from thence to the new grounds of the Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club in Schuetzen Park. It was the opening of the club's new quarters, and clubmen of all kinds and from all points assembled to witness a fine bicycling programme. It was announced that on the new track it would be possible to break all previous coast records, as its finishing surface, or skin, as the experts call it, is a new departure, which was discovered purely through an accident. It is composed of a paste or cement made from "shale," a kind at pulverized lime, which was secured at the Oakland gashouse. This gives a good hard, smooth surface, and stood well the test which it underwent yesterday. The grounds were in excellent condition, and an almost perfect view of the track can be had from any portion of the park.