WHEELMEN PREPARED FOR BIG ROAD RACE - The San Francisco Examiner, April 27, 1902

Fifty Speedy Riders Will Compete at San Leandro To-Day for the Eldredge Cup.
At a point on the San Leandro triangle just outside of Elmhurst this morning at 11 o'clock will be started the ten-mile relay bicycle race for the Eldredge cup. Teams of ten men each from the five clubs of the California Associated Cyclers will compete. The trophy, which must be won twice by one club before becoming its property, will go to the team that covers the distance in the lowest aggregate time. The Garden City Wheelmen will undoubtedly make a strong bid for first honors with such speedy men as Burton and Lace Downing, who hold the coast championship; Arthur McDonald and Tony Delmas. The officials in charge of the race will be: Referee, J. A. Woodson: starter, Dr. E. T. Mervy; timers, H. L. Day, George Wetmore, Richard Plomonden, Frank Smith, A. Reid, W. A. Reese, Mr. Post, Mr. Sampson, Al E. Nye and J. C. Travis; judges, J. A. Desimone, H. H. Varney, Frank Bollo, Joseph Holle and A. B. Moffitt; clerk of the course, George E. Dixon; racing committee, M. C. Rambo, Frank Bollo, H. L. McInerney, C. W. Carpenter and L. O. Sill.