BANQUETING BICYCLISTS. - The Seventh Anniversary of the San Francisco Club. - The San Francisco Examiner, 13 Jan 1890
The Seventh Anniversary of the San Francisco Club.
The San Francisco Bicycle Clubroom presented an animated appearance on Saturday evening last, the occasion being the eleventh annual banquet of the club. About seventy members sat down to a repast which contained all the good things obtainable. The President of the club, George Hobe, presided over the ceremonies in an able manner, and in addressing the members referred with pleasure to the fact that the San Francisco Bicycle Club is the second oldest organization devoted to wheeling in the United States. President Hobe made the claim that the club was entitled to first honors in point of age, as its only rival, a Boston institution, was remodeled on several occasions since its inception, while no change has ever been made in the constitution or workings of the San Francisco club, its object being now, as it was eleven years ago, the promotion of wheeling throughout this State and Coast.
Captain Manning responded to the toast of "The San Francisco Bicycle Club," and spoke enthusiastically of what good work had been accomplished during the year just passed, and what he hoped, through the instrumentality of the members, to accomplish during the present year.
Thomas R. Knox entertained the members for some time with amusing anecdotes, and justified his reputation as the most humorous raconteur among city wheelmen.
Columbus Waterhouse responded to the toast of "The Charter Members," and delighted his hearers by reading a letter from Ralph de Clairmont, also a charter member, but who is at present in Guatemala, in which Mr. De Clairmont congratulated the members upon the growing importance of the San Francisco club, and regretted his inability to be present at the annual banquet.
Among those who sat down at the banquet table were the following:
George J. Hobe, Mr. Rouse, a Michigan wheelman; Len D. Owens, F. J. H. Manning, W. G. Lowry, R. L. Ingham, S. B. Morse, H. Allen Matthews, C. A. McDonald, Hampton S. Field, B. C. Austin Jr., C. Union Brewster, W. O. Badgely, Thomas S. Cobden, R. H. Childs, Dr. J. M. Curragh, Ed Christ, W. H. Clarke, E. Claymour, W. G. Davis, C. P. Fonda, E. L. Favor, Dr. J. W. Gibson, H. M. Whitely, R. Gibson, H. J. Foley, Fred Hess Jr., James Irvine, Byron Jackson, Thomas R. Knox, F. J. Mackfessel, A. A. Martin, Dr. H. C. Massie, F. A. McLaughlin, J. F. McCarthy, A. W. McKenzie, F. F. Osborn, G. D. O'Neil, J. J. O'Brien, F. H. Rocce, W. H. L. Rhodes, H. H. Stanford, W. F. Soule, C. F. Sloat, C. E. South, J. C. Spencer, F. S. Schultis, T. F. Trenor, Columbus Waterhouse, J. F. Wadsworth, Frank P. Britton, George L. French, Lyman D. Foster, H. E. Holmes, J. C. Hampton, H. O. Porter, C. Sharrocks, H. C. Tilden, J. W. Wallace.