Bicycle Riders Hold a Successful Tournament at Stockton - The San Francisco Examiner, 05 Jul 1891
Bicycle Riders Hold a Successful Tournament at Stockton
Alcayaga Fouls Upson and the Judges Bar Him From the Race - Burke Wins the State Championship Race.
[Special to the EXAMINER.]
STOCKTON, July 4. - The races of the California League of American Wheelmen today were attended by a large crowd. The track was good and fast time was made. The one-mile race for novices on ordinary bicycles was won by Alfred Alcayaga in 2 minutes 57 seconds. One mile novice race on a safety bicycle was won by Walter F. Foster of Alameda in 2 minutes 49 3-5 seconds. Half mile on ordinary bicycles was won by John F. Brown of the Bay City Wheelmen in 1 minute 12 seconds.
Some of the fastest riders in the State remained out on account of the handicap, among whom were Burke of Los Angeles, Southworth of Stockton, Lee of the Bay Citys and Upson of the Capitol Citys. The 2-mile record on a safety was reduced to 5 minutes 45 2-5 seconds by George Osen of the Garden Citys. Osen also won the half-mile handicap race on a safety, reducing the record to 1 minute 18 4-5 seconds.
The State champion race of one mile for ordinary bicycles was won by D. L. Burke of Los Angeles, F. E. Southworth of Oak Leaf being second and John F. Brown of the Bay Citys being third. The time was 2:50 2-5.
The last race, three miles on ordinary bicycles, had six starters. Toward the close of the race Alcayaga, who was in the lead, ran Upson into the fence and overthrew him. Alcayaga came in ahead in 9 minutes 17 4-5 seconds, but the judges declared that he had fouled Upson and the race was given to Upson.
Visiting wheelmen are being entertained at a ball to-night. To-morrow they will run with the Oak Leaf boys to Woodbridge, fourteen miles, and hold a picnic. They will leave for San Francisco to-morrow evening on the steamer J. D. Peters.