COMING EVENTS OF THE LOCAL WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 06 Aug 1898

From Wooljersey


The regular monthly meeting of the California Associated Cycling Clubs will be held this evening at the rooms of the Reliance Club Wheelmen, Oakland. Most of the delegates will go over on the 7:30 narrow-gauge boat. Several important amendments to the by-laws will be considered and plans matured for the association's big annual road events next month and in October.

At 9 a. m. sharp to-morrow the good ship Annie E will sall from Jackson-street wharf laden with watermelons, sandwiches, Bay City Wheelmen and other good things for a trip around the bay. The Bay City Club makes this trip annually and there is always a large gathering of members, as the outing is a popular and enjoyable one, since Doc Mervy discovered his famous cure for mal de mer. Such old-time yachtsmen as Toepke, Cook, Plummer, Steve Brode and Dr. Hill will guide the craft over the billowy waves.

Local wheelmen are taking a good deal of interest in the race meet to be held at Stockton on August 28. The Bay City Wheelmen and Olympic Club Wheelmen will be well represented in the events, and Peck and Wing will probably have another meeting, which will give the latter an opportunity to prove whether or not he is the better man. The San Francisco riders will go up the night before on the river boat, leaving at 6 o'clock, and return the following night.

C. M. Smith, the speedy San Jose rider, was in the city this week. He is preparing for the Stockton and San Jose meets and hopes to get within the prize money.

The San Jose meet on September 9 will of necessity draw a large crowd because of the Native Sons' celebration there on that day, the bicycle races being a part of the official programme of entertainment. The famous three-lap cement track is being put in shape, patches in a few places being all that is needed to make it as even and fast as ever. This is a fayorite track with the riders, as it is long and wide, and accidents on it are few.

A. H. Agnew and J. S. Shedd were nominated for the captaincy of the Acme Club Wheelmen at the annual meeting held last Monday night. Mr. Shedd is the incumbent and his previous successful term of office seems likely to insure his re-election.

Chester S. Myrick has resigned as chairman of the road racing committee of the Associated Cycling Clubs owing to press of business. President Adams has announced his successor, but it is probable that one of the other two members of the committee will be chairman and a new man added to the board.

Captain Robert A. Coulter will lead the members of the California Cycling Club on a run to Tocaloma to-morrow, taking the 8 a. m. Sausalito ferry, thence by train to Fairfax and then awheel to destination.

Edwin W. Adams, prominent in cycle affairs of Sacramento, is in the city on a visit.

The Imperial Cycling Club has established itself in new quarters at 14 McAllister street, having found the old ones on Baker street too far out for the majority of the members. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday evening, August 15. Captain E. W. Schneider announces a club run to the beach and Sutro's Baths to-morrow, leaving the clubrooms at 10 a. m. A theater party. a whist tournament and several good runs are in prospect.

One Dave Williamson, the erstwhile cycling editor of a local evening sheet, devotes three or four hundred words in a recent article to a criticism of the cycle writers of the morning dailies because one of them referred to the "obscurity of the evening press." While the fight is not mine, he takes the opportunity to bring me into it by saying that my "column, while readable, was never more than interesting simply as Spalding's personal views." Though it is pleasing to the eye to note that my efforts are "more than interesting," I do not consider Mr. Williamson a competent critic of them. And after a concluding effusion of "Grass Valley French," he spoils whatever effect his article was intended to have by printing directly below it a clipping from a morning paper of the same date, with an addenda of his own. Surely the evening press will not be obscure while they have the morning papers to clip from.

The Olympic Cyclers' proposed picnic at Escalles on Sunday, August 14, has been postponed because the club could not secure the ground for that day. It will be held in two or three weeks, and the date will be definitely announced as soon as the board of directors hold a meeting-about next Wednesday.

The San Francisco Road Club will have a run to the beach to-morrow, leaving the clubhouse, 503 Golden Gate avenue, at 9 a. m. Messrs. O'Malley and Blumenthal won the club's cribbage tournament this week. The road club will have several good men entered at the Stockton and San Jose meets.

E. Ross Lozier, a well-known dealer of Cleveland, is expected here in a few days from Cleveland with his bride.