C. M. Smith

From Wooljersey

Charles M. Smith





To Be Made by Charles M. Smith of the Garden City Cyclers.

An official trial for the world’s five-mile road record will be made by C. M. Smith of the Garden City Cyclers Sunday afternoon. The course will be from Milpitas to the northern city limits.

"Bunt" will start from Milpitas at 3:30 p. m., paced by Ed and Roy Johnson on tandem for two miles, while Julius Smith and Gail Hardenbrook will take him the remaining three miles.

San Jose Mercury-news, Volume L, Number 108, 16 October 1896

Charles M. Smith, better known as “Bunt,” the well-known amateur rider of San Jose, has accepted a position with the White Manufacturing Company as assistant book-keeper in the San Francisco office and will assume his position to-day.

San Jose Mercury-news, Volume LIV, Number 124, 1 November 1898

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