F. W. Ray

From Wooljersey

1865 – 29 November 1915


Bay City Wheelmen

The opening run of the Bay City Wheelmen was a grand success, over seventy wheelmen participating. The line was formed at Van Ness avenue and Market Street at 10 o'clock, with Captain T. E. Richardson in command, accompanied by Captain G. F. Drake of the Oakland Bicycle Club of 1887, with the latter club in the place of honor.

Lieutenant L. G. Hodgkins and J. Holroyd assisted the captain in keeping a perfect line. The column wheeled out Golden Gate avenue, through the park, to the Cliff, where a short halt was called, after which the ride to Lake Honda was enjoyed. Here the Bay City Wheelmen commissary, consisting of Messrs. Sperry, Cook and Butler, awaited them with a most refreshing repast, to which full justice was done. The afternoon was spent in various ways, some riding in the park, others wheeling to Lake Merced and many enjoying the music of the park band.

Among those present were: George F. Drake, Harrold J. Gage, A. A. Bouton, L. White, J. F. Revolk, S. K. Irish, G. Iveson; A. C. Lassen, Dr. Cross of Stockton, George Gilson, Dr. Van Norden, S. Small, Charles Bassert, M. Ives, George A. Merrill, A. F. Nye, E. C. Prindle, G. S. Clark, H. E. Albrecht; G. Keil, W. H. R. Brown, R. R. Cook, W. M. Meeker, C. W. Hammer, C. N. Langton, C. A. Howard, R. M. Thompson, George P. Wetmore, R. A. Smyth, Charles Enler, T. V. W. Varney, F. W. Ray, W. E. Thompson, Allan Marshall, Leonard. G. Rowell, E. W. Adams, J. Holroyd, C. Hyde, H. W. Spalding, F. W. Leadbetter, E. C. Landis, Thomas Stevenson, J. Stevens Sperry, L. G. Hodgkins, P. A. Libbey, S. Plummer, F. E. Richardson, Thomas H. Sloane and others.

The Wheelmen. - San Francisco Chronicle, 21 Apr 1890

Several parties are being formed to wheel to the Yosemite this year, one consisting of W. M. Meeker, Walter D. Sheldon, S. H. Knapp Jr. and R. M. Thompson, who expect to go in May. Ed Landis, C. N. Langton and H. A. Spalding will go the latter part of June. F. W. Ray, J. G. Cox, E. W. Adams and others will go to Lake Tahoe. Sanford Plummer, George P. Wetmore, Thomas H. Doane and C. W. Hammer will probably do the Yosemite some time during the season.

The Wheelmen. - San Francisco Chronicle, 31 Mar 1890

Thomas H. Doane and Fred W. Ray, Bay City Wheelmen, rode to La Honda from Redwood City Saturday on a fishing excursion. They return this morning.

The Wheelmen. - San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 1891

On September 1, 1884, a number of enthusiastic bicycle-riders met at the residence of Edwin Mohrig, formed an organization to be known as the Bay City Wheelmen, and elected the following officers: President, Edwin Mohrig; vice-president, George F. Day; captain, F. R. Cook. From the first the club was successful and its membership rapidly increased, its meetings being held at the residences of various members and the social character of the organization being developed to a degree exceptional with an athletic club. Meetings in private residences becoming inconvenient, the club accepted the invitation of Joseph Little to meet at his store on Golden Gate avenue. After Mr. Little retired from business, in 1885, the club rented the store, and there on February 18, 1886, was organized the California Division of the League of American Wheelmen. In June, 1886, the club moved to 202 McAllister Street, and for a while the boys were content. Early in September, 1890, 13 members of this club, throwing superstition to the winds, formed an organization under the laws of the State, and thus inaugurated an era of prosperity which has not yet reached its zenith. These enterprising men were C. A. Elliot, G. P. Wetmore, R. M. Thompson, F. W. Ray, S. Plummer, J. G. Cox, T. H. Doane, F. R. Cook, W. M. Meeker, T. L. Hill, C. N. Langton, C. W. Hammer and C. C. Moore. At a meeting of the new association on September 27, 1890, all the accounts of the old club were turned over to the incorporated body, and with 48 members the Bay City Wheelmen were born again.

CHAT ABOUT THE CYCLE. - Organization and Growth of the Bay City Wheelmen. - The San Francisco Call, 02 May 1892

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