CYCLING CLUBS AT SAN JOSE - Six Hundred Wheelmen in the Parade - Los Angeles Herald, 10 Sep 1895
Six Hundred Wheelmen in the Parade
Mayor Austin Delivered an Address of Welcome
The Half Mile Record Broken in the Remarkable Time of 1:01 - 600 Wheelmen Parade
Associated Press Special Wire
SAN JOSE, Sept. 9. - The California Associated Cycling clubs captured San Jose at an early hour this morning and held full sway until dark. It was the annual meet and parade. The parade, in which about six hundred wheelmen took part, made a grand display. Clubs participating were the Acme of Oakland, Bay City Wheelmen, California Cycling club, Crescent Athletic club, Berkeley Crescent Road club, Imperial Cycling club, Los Angeles Wheelmen, Pathfinders, Olympic club, Reliance club, San Francisco Y. M. C. A., Santa Rosa Wheelmen, San Jose Road club and the Garden City Cyclers. In addition a large number of unattached wheelmen participated, including several ladies. There were tandems galore, the Olympics having nine in line. A quad, with the riders in white suits, was a conspicuous feature.
The parade was halted in front of the court house, where Mayor Austin delivered an address of welcome, and the procession was photographed. Two prizes were offered, valued at $75 each. The Acmes captured first, for the largest number in line, and the California Cycling club was given second, for the best appearance.
In the afternoon 6000 people gathered at the Garden City Cycling club's track and witnessed the races. The Imperials carried off the honors of the day, Byrne of that club breaking the world's half mile competition record for class A, time 1:01. There were a few accidents. Russell Cushing was spilled near the start in the mile open; he received some severe bruises and was badly scratched. In the half mile scratch, W. C. Kratz was crowded over the embankment and fell about fifteen feet, but escaped any injury; notwithstanding he quickly remounted and made a game fight to retrieve his lost time; he finished a good third and was loudly cheered. Following are the results:
One mile, handicap, class A - John Wing, 125 yards, won; Ackerman, 30 yards, second; time, 2:14 4 5.
One mile, scratch, paced by tandem, class B - Jones won, Long second; time, 2:2 44 5.
Mile tandem - Declared off.
Half mile, scratch, class A, paced by tandem - Byrne won, H. H. Squires second; time, 1:01.
Two-thirds of a mile, handicap, class B - Delmas, 65 yards, won; Foster, scratch, second; time, 1:24 1-5.