Liberty Cycling Club Ladies' Annex
San Francisco, CA
"Our colors are white and gold, and the emblem the gold liberty bell suspended to a white lover's knot."
- Mrs. L. H. Brod
- Miss Nita Broderick
- Miss A. T. Crowley
- Miss M. I. Crowley
- Miss Fenton
- Mrs. L. M. Hoeg
- Mrs. McMillan
- Miss L. M. Munson
- Miss Nixon
- Rose Elizabeth Welby, AKA Mrs. N. A. Robinson
- Miss Ida M. Stanford
- Miss F. Webster
- Mrs. Chris Westphal
THE group of bloomer girls shown in the above engraving are all members of the ladies' branch of the Liberty Cycling Club, and all ride the Liberty bicycle. They are a happy-looking lot and may be seen most any pleasant Sunday on the Park roads.
From Women & Bicycles, Historical Essay, by Laura Fraser
The Liberty Cycling Club is about to form a ladies' annex. The club will have a theater party to the Tivoli next Monday evening, and a hop at the clubrooms July 25. C. Meyer, O. St. Denis, C. Armbruster, N. A. Robinson and W. E. Bouton have charge of the latter function. The club will hold a run to Crystal Springs tomorrow, which is a very pretty ride.
The Wheelmen. - The San Francisco Call, 20 Jul 1895
The Liberty Cycling Club has a run out through the Oakland foothills to-morrow, the following week they will ride to Bolinas and in the middle of August will escort the members of the Ladies' Annex through the Park. The club is steadily gaining in numbers and gives promise of becoming a power in cycling.
Last Monday night the Liberty Cycling Club [photo is of their "ladies' annex" M.F.] held a theater party at the Tivoli. Nearly all the members attended and greatly enjoyed the evening. Thursday evening the club held a dance at Mission Turn-Verein Hall, which was well attended and very enjoyable. Norval A. Robinson acted as floor manager, and dancing was indulged in until midnight. The club members rightly believe in enjoying social as well as cycling pleasures during the week, and will have these hops regularly hereafter. To-morrow a run will be held to the Oakland foothills, leaving on the 9 a. m. creek-route boat. On August 4 the members will ride to Bolinas. The ladies' annex to the club is growing rapidly, and under the guidance of Mrs. Robinson promises to become quite a factor before long.
THE WHEELMEN. - San Francisco Call, 27 July 1895
The Liberty Cycling Club will go to Bolinas to-morrow, taking the 8 a. m. Sausalito boat. This is a hard ride, but a particularly beautiful one, and the scenery en route fully repays one for the hard work incident to the trip. On Sunday, the 11th inst., the club will have a run to San Mateo, on the 18th to the park with the ladies' annex, and on the 25th a five-mile roadrace over the San Mateo course, the entries for which close Tuesday evening, August 13. The handicapping will be done by F. Fanning, C. Meyer, R. McLean, S. Mitchell and J. Quarga.
The following communication from Miss Ida M. Stanford, secretary-treasurer of the Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club, is self-explanatory:
The Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club was formed last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. N. A Robinson, 1141 Market street where twelve young ladies congregated for the purpose of joining a bloomer club.
The charter members are: Mrs. N. A. Robinson, Miss Ida M. Stanford, Miss L. M. Munson, Mrs. McMillan, Miss M. I. Crowley, Miss A. T. Crowley, Mrs. L. H. Brod, Miss Nixon, Miss F. Webster, Mrs. L. M. Hoeg, Mrs. Chris Westphal and Miss Fenton, all bloomerites. Our colors are white and gold, and the emblem the gold liberty bell suspended to a white lover's knot.
The club chose the following officers: President, Miss L. M. Munson; secretary-treasurer, Miss Ida M. Stanford; captain, Mrs. N. A. Robinson.
Runs have been called by the captain as follows: To the park and beach, Sunday, August 4; to San Leandro, August 11, and on the 18th a joint run will be taken to Golden Gate Park with the Liberty Cycling Club. All the members are young and enthusiastic and mean to work for the good of their sister bikers.
Twelve enthusiastic young lady wheelers met last Thursday night at the home of Mrs. N. A. Robinson, 1141 Market street, for the purpose of forming a bloomer club. The following officers were elected: Miss L. M. Munson, president; Miss Ida M. Stanford, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. N. A. Robinson, captain. The club was organized as an annex to the Liberty Club, and will be known as the Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club.
The charter members are Mrs. N. A. Robinson, Miss Ida M. Stanford, Miss L. M. Munson, Mrs. McMillan, Miss M. I. Crowley and Miss A. T. Crowley, Mrs. A. H. Brod, Miss Nixon, Miss F. Webster, Mrs. L. M. Hoeg, Mrs. Chris Westphal and Miss Fenton, all bloomerites. The colors are white and gold, and the emblem the gold liberty bell suspended to a white lover's knot.
The following club runs have been called: Sunday, August 4th, to the Park and beach; August 11th to San Leandro; August 18th, joint run with Liberty Bicycle Club to Golden Gate Park.
The Liberty Cycling Club and its ladies' annex made an attractive showing in the park yesterday, the ladies being well represented and nearly all wore the bloomer costume.
WHEELMEN'S ROAD RACES - San Francisco Call - August 19, 1895
All Members of the Liberty Cycling Annex Wear Bloomers. =
The Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club was organized on August 1st, with charter members consisting of Mrs. N. A. Robinson, Miss Ida M. Stanford, Mrs. Chris Westphal, Mrs. A. H. Brod, Miss Lucy Munson, Miss M. I. Crowley, Miss A. T. Crowley, Mrs. C. H. Hoeg, Miss Fenton and Miss Flo Webster.
FAIR RIDERS OF THE LADIES' ANNEX TO THE LIBERTY CYCLING CLUB.These ladies are all devotees of the wheel and were confident that there was plenty of room in the field of cycling for a riding club composed strictly of lady riders.
As their husbands or gentleman friends were members of the Liberty Cycling Club, it was suggested that they form a ladies' annex to that club, which proposition was readily accepted, and at their initial meeting they adopted that club's emblem, a Liberty bell, and each member carries her insignia neatly embroidered in gold on a black ribbon, as will be seen in the picture. The club colors are gold and white, as the ribbons on the head of wheel denote.
At the same meeting an election of officers resulted in the selection of Miss Lucy M. Munson as president, Miss Ida M. Stanford secretary-treasurer and Mrs. N. A. Robinson captain, and be it said to their credit that no more capable officers exist.
At present the membership roll contains seventeen names, but many more applications are to be acted upon at their next meeting on Thursday night. The club's longest run was on Sunday, August 11th, when they visited San Leandro and Lake Chabot, eating their lunch at the latter place in a shady grove.
Captain Robinson has many runs contemplated, among them being a visit to Camp Taylor, Petaluma, Mount Hamilton and San Jose, but is kindly considerate of the new riders joining. and will not attempt the long runs until all the members are fully capable of riding them without the drawback of fatigue and its manifold dangerous results.
A prominent composer has dedicated a "Bicycle March" to the Ladies' Annex, and they recently posed for their photographs, which will duly appear on the cover sheets.
One of the rules of their club is that members must appear on club run in bloomer costume, and said costume must be of a subdued color, it being the desire of the club to ride the wheel for pleasure and not the wish to attract attention.
The success of the Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club is assured, and from the many favorable comments heard from both sexes it appears that it was just what was wanted in San Francisco to help elevate the sport.
The Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club will have a run to Crystal Springs to-morrow, leaving the corner of Twenty-fourth and Howard streets at 7 A. M. It will be a picnic, and members are expected to bring their own luncheon, remembering that long country rides are forerunners to large appetites.
Pages which link here:
- Liberty Cycling Club (← links)
- The Wheelmen. - The San Francisco Call, 20 Jul 1895 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 28 Sep 1895 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 21 Sep 1895 (← links)
- CYCLING NEWS TO DATE. - Club Runs and Private Excursions to Different Points Outside the City. - The San Francisco Examiner, 27 Jul 1895 (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - San Francisco Call, 27 July 1895 (← links)
- Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club (redirect page) (← links)
- Liberty Cycling Club Ladies' Annex (← links)
- Ida M. Stanford (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - San Jose Road Club's Five-Mile Road Race To-Morrow. - HE IS AN ENTHUSIAST. - Henry Martin Now Rides a Bike for Pleasure. - San Francisco Call, 3 August 1895 (← links)
- VOTARIES OF THE SILENT STEED. - Twelve San Francisco Lady Bikers Organize a Bloomer Club. - San Francisco Chronicle, 03 Aug 1895 (← links)
- THE LADY BIKERS. - All Members of the Liberty Cycling Annex Wear Bloomers - San Francisco Chronicle, 14 Sep 1895 (← links)
- Ida M. Stanford (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - San Jose Road Club's Five-Mile Road Race To-Morrow. - HE IS AN ENTHUSIAST. - Henry Martin Now Rides a Bike for Pleasure. - San Francisco Call, 3 August 1895 (← links)
- File:Ladies Annex Liberty Cycling Club San Francisc.jpeg (← links)
- Lucy M. Munson (← links)
- THE LEAGUE'S ELECTION. - The San Francisco Examiner, 17 Sep 1895 (← links)
- Ladies Annex of the Liberty Cycling Club (redirect page) (← links)
- Nita Broderick (← links)
- Rose Elizabeth Welby (← links)
- THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 09 Nov 1895 (← links)
- OUT AMONG THE WHEELMEN. - Reliance Races Coming This Afternoon. - LIBERTY'S LADIES' ANNEX. - San Francisco Chronicle, September 07, 1895 (← links)
- WHEELMEN'S ROAD RACES - San Francisco Call - August 19, 1895 (← links)
- Ladies' annex to the Liberty Cycling Club (redirect page) (← links)