CYCLING NEWS TO DATE. - Club Runs and Private Excursions to Different Points Outside the City. - The San Francisco Examiner, 27 Jul 1895

From Wooljersey


Club Runs and Private Excursions to Different Points Outside the City.

The Liberty Cycling Club has a run out through the Oakland foothills to-morrow, the following week they will ride to Bolinas and in the middle of August will escort the members of the Ladies' Annex through the Park. The club is steadily gaining in numbers and gives promise of becoming a power in cycling.

The Royal Cycling Club is to conduct a series of five-mile road races, one each month, for a valuable prize, which must be won three times before becoming the property of any rider.

When R. C. Lennie and his friends adopted the emblems of a skull and crossbones little did they think that down in Mayfield was a club flying the black flag under the title of the Mayfield Pirate Wheelmen. E. Dornberger, Secretary of the club, claims for it the sole right to use the emblem.

The Imperial Cycling Club entertained a large party of members and friends on Thursday evening with a smoking concert. A. L. von Bendelaben of the Garden City Cyclers will ride to San Jose via Oakland this afternoon, in company with J. S. Burns of the Olympic Club Wheelmen, and others.

Captain Thornton, Secretary Hunter and F. W. Fuller are to return to-morrow from their two weeks' hunting trip to Mendocino county.

The Olympic Club Wheelmen, under Lieutenant Heydenfeldt, have a run to Haywards to-morrow to act as escort to Duxbury.

Miss Gussie Raymond, Miss Kate Devine and Miss Nora Monahan rode up from San Jose recently. After a short visit in this city they made the return journey in safety.

H. L. Barrett and O. Higgins of the Imperial Cycling Club have arranged a hundred-mile jaunt for to-morrow, and will endeavor to ride the distance in six hours.

The Bay City Wheelmen and Imperial Cycling Club have a joint club run to Petaluma to-morrow.

The San Francisco Road Club, for a new organization, has made rapid advancement, having sixty active members, a comfortable clubhouse, and many new members in prospect. The officers are Ed Sand, President; T. O'Brien, Vice-President; M. Lewis, Treasurer: W. B. Meckfessel, Secretary: L. L. Korn, Captain; T. J. Smith, First Lieutenant, and W. Puhrenhagan, Second Lieutenant. The club emblem is a red diamond with a black and white wheel in the center. The clubhouse is 722 Golden Gate avenue.

Grant Bell, who has ridden bicycles these many years, did a century last Sunday without any apparent effort.

It is estimated that not more than 600 tandems were made in America this season, while next year's output will surely reach 5,000.

There has been some talk recently of W. F. Foster fearing to meet C. S. Wells on the track in competition, and a friend of Foster calls attention to the fact that he has defeated Wells every time they met this year, eight races in all.

Captain A. G. Maass of the Golden Gate Cycling Club has called a run for to-morrow, the destination being a secret from the members. Preparations have been made for an enjoyable outing, and the Captain looks mysterious and tells of a surprise for the members. The club is one of those which has steadily gained in membership since the opening of the season.