VOTARIES OF THE SILENT STEED. - Twelve San Francisco Lady Bikers Organize a Bloomer Club. - San Francisco Chronicle, 03 Aug 1895
Twelve San Francisco Lady Bikers Organize a Bloomer Club.
The Liberty Cycling Club will hold a club run to Bolinas to-morrow, leaving on the 8 A. M. boat to Sausalito, taking train to San Anselmo and resuming wheels to destination.
This club will hold a five-mile handicap road race over the San Mateo course on Sunday, August 25th.
Messrs. F. Fanning, C. Meyer, R. McLean, S. Mitchell and J. Quary will act as a handicap committee, and entries close at midnight of August 13th at the club.
Captain L. L. Korn has called a run of the San Francisco Road Club for to-morrow to the Park and beach.
The Verein Eintracht Cycling Club will bold a picnic run to Haywards on Sunday, August 11th.
F. M. Byrne still remains in class A and all the other class A riders who were suspended are still in the same class, except Moody and Whitman. Moody has announced his intention of joining class B, but Whitman at present is undecided.
Chairman R. M. Welch of the racing board has forbidden any of the class A men to go on the coming racing circuit, and as the matter now stands they are in a deplorable quandary.
Castleman expects to leave for the San Diego races to-day, and Burke, his riding mate, is now in the Yosemite valley enjoying a rest.
The Pastimes have added a bicycle annex to their organization and have elected the following officers: K. M. Borman, captain; F. X. Larkey, first lieutenant, and T. J. McCarthy, second lieutenant. The Pastimes will hold their initial run to San Leandro on August 11th.
The Waverly Cycling Club has been organized, with the following officers: President George M. Hamlin; secretary and treasurer, Sidney W. Elston; captain, Ed Elliott; first lieutenant, Joe Reay, and second lieutenant, Henry Heintze.
The Four Aces Cycling Club will run to San Leandro Sunday, August 4th, leaving their clubrooms, at Eighth and Mission streets, at 10:30 A. M., sharp.
Twelve enthusiastic young lady wheelers met last Thursday night at the home of Mrs. N. A. Robinson, 1141 Market street, for the purpose of forming a bloomer club. The following officers were elected: Miss L. M. Munson, president; Miss Ida M. Stanford, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. N. A. Robinson, captain. The club was organized as an annex to the Liberty Club, and will be known as the Ladies' Annex to the Liberty Cycling Club.
The charter members are Mrs. N. A. Robinson, Miss Ida M. Stanford, Miss L. M. Munson, Mrs. McMillan, Miss M. I. Crowley and Miss A. T. Crowley, Mrs. A. H. Brod, Miss Nixon, Miss F. Webster, Mrs. L. M. Hoeg, Mrs. Chris Westphal and Miss Fenton, all bloomerites. The colors are white and gold, and the emblem the gold liberty bell suspended to a white lover's knot.
The following club runs have been called: Sunday, August 4th, to the Park and beach; August 11th to San Leandro; August 18th, joint run with Liberty Bicycle Club to Golden Gate Park.