STEVENS IN THE SADDLE. - San Francisco Chronicle, Jan 17, 1887
See also:
- STEVENS' ENTERTAINMENT. The Bay City Wheelman's "Smoker" - To-Day's Big Meeting. - The San Francisco Examiner, 16 Jan 1887
- Thomas Stevens finishes his around-the-world bicycle journey in San Francisco, January 8, 1887.
- and the photos at the bottom of this page.
The Wheelmen Have an Enjoyable Run to Haywards.
The creek boat which left the ferry at 9:15 o'clock yesterday morning carried about 120 Bay City wheelmen and members of the San Francisco Bicycle Club to take part in the run to Haywards. The hero of the hour, Thomas Stevens, was one of the party and had with him the identical wheel with which he made his circuit of the globe.
At the foot of Broadway, on the Oakland side, some thirty cyclists and a large number of spectators were awaiting the arrival of the San Francisco contingent, and Stevens became the center of an admiring group on landing. At 10 o'clock precisely the bicyclists to the number of 150 formed in line and started on their trip in the following order, riding two and two: Chief Consul R. M. Welch and Thomas Stevens; Representatives of Divisions Beiderman and Booth; Representative Harrison and Secretary of League Haslett: Vice-Consul Mohrig and Consul Bowman of Oakland, Captain Meeker, B. C. W. and Captain Houseworth. S. F. B. C.; Captain Tisdall, Oakland Ramblers, and Captain Donnelly, San Mateo Wheelmen; members of the Senior League Club, Bay City Wheelmen, in command of Lieutenant James; San Francisco Bicycle Club, in command of Lieutenant McDonald; Oakland Ramblers, in command of Lieutenant Havens; San Mateo Wheelmen, in command of Lieutenant Knapp: Highland Park Wheelmen, in command of Captain Rosborough. The rear was brought up by a number of wheelmen who are not attached to any of the local clubs.
A more suitable morning could hardly have been chosen for the ride. The sky was perfectly clear and the air just sharp enough to make exercise enjoyable. Admirable order was maintained by bicyclists as they glided silently up Broadway and turned into Third street, and hundreds watched them until they passed out of sight.
At Jackson and Fifth streets the procession halted while Messrs. Louden and Gibbs, two well-known amateur photographers, trained their camera on the party. An hour was then spent in parading through the streets of Oakland, and everywhere along the line of ride the inhabitants paid homage to the wheelmen and their distinguished guest. The road to Haywards was then taken, and after a smart run San Leandro was reached. At this place the resident ladies were watching for the coming of the bicyclists, and Stevens was the recipient of a pretty tribute in the shape of a bouquet of violets adorned with knots of blue and white ribbon.
Haywards was reached shortly after the usual dinner hour, but the host of the hotel spared no pains in catering to the wants of the wheelmen.
At 3 o'clock the first detachment started on the homeward journey. There was no order observed on the return trip, the bicyclists returning in groups at different hours throughout the afternoon. Mr. Stevens returned in company with Chief Consul Welch and Messrs. McDonald, Gibson and Letcher.
The run was a most enjoyable one and great interest was evinced in the wheelmen by people along the route. At Haywards the populace turned out en masse and gave the party an enthusiastic reception. Although there were so many bicyclists of all grades in the saddle not an accident occurred to mar the pleasures of the run.
The photographs below are from a search for "Thomas Stevens" in "Finding Aid to the Oliver Family Photograph Collections circa 1880-circa 1920s", at the Online Archives of California.
Elsewhere in the collection is this quote:
Photographs are attributed to William Letts Oliver, his son Roland Letts Oliver, and occasionally other members of the Oliver family. Other notable photographers represented in the collection include W. H. Lowden next hit and Gabriel Moulin.
They are likely the photos taking by William H. Lowden and W. C. Gibbs.
"Cyclist Thomas Stevens and Oakland cyclists. [1887?]
Marks and Inscriptions:: Written on back of mount: Run given to Thos Stevens / at Oakland / on his return from a / tour around the / world on a bicycle."
Stevens is in foreground, right.

[The figure holding up the small boy on the left of the group is Thomas Stevens, then on his tour around the world on a wheel.]
From: FIRST BIKE ON THE COAST. - The San Francisco Examiner, 04 Aug 1895