THE BIKERS. - How Local the Cyclers Are Spending Their Time. - Oakland Tribune, 11 Jul 1888
How Local the Cyclers Are Spending Their Time.
Among the Oaklanders who were seen in line in the parade at Stockton on the 4th of July were: Ralph Coxhead, Carl Allen, Lewis Sears, Fred Clift, J. L. Tisdale, Fassett Titus, Arthur Field, H. S. Gage, L. Hewes, and C. Bowman. The Alameda Scorchers turned out their entire strength. Five riders and two tandems were represented by the Alameda contingent. In the parade there were over 150 wheelmen in line.
The one quarter mile dash at Stockton brought out Allen of Los Angeles as a flyer. He made the goal in 40 1-5 against Fred Cook's champion coast record of 37 1/2 seconds. Allen beat the coast record for a half mile dash, making the distance in 1:22, against the coast record of 1:27 2-5. Elwell beat all previous records in the mile dash, making the distance in 2:48 1/2.
Many of the racers who took part at Stockton will enter the races at the Center street park on Admission Day.
Charles Wheaton of Alameda surprised his many friends by making a great record in the one mile handicap at Stockton.
Messrs. Mohrig and Houseworth are making a lively canvass for Chief Consul. The Oakland wheelmen are supporting Mohrig.
Les Hewes broke the rear wheel on the fifty-six inch Columbia Expert bicycle. It broke when he was within sixteen miles of Stockton on his return trip of a two weeks' run to Yosemite and return.
Fassett Titus left Stockton last Thursday morning on his wheel for Lodi, where he will spend a few days.
Polo is getting to be a regular game in Sears & Co's academy. Charles Kryster is becoming an expert.
The new California Category:road book is just out. It is very complete, containing information of every road in the State.
Frank Baker will go to Modesto for a week. The trip will be made on his wheel.
Mr. Arlett is going to spend four days at Napa and Calistoga. He will take his wheel with him.
Harry Hatch returned a few days ago from a two days' trip over this county.
Frank Blinn, A. D. Rosborough, and Mr. Churchill will leave to-day for Stockton. They will go on the boat to that place, and thence by wheel to Yosemite, They expect to be gone three weeks.