STARTERS ARE READY FOR THE ROAD RACE - The San Francisco Call - October 08, 1898
To-morrow will be a big day with the wheelmen, who will gather by hundreds along the county road from Fruitvale to Haywards to witness the fifth annual ten-mile handicap of the California Associated Cycling Clubs.
The race will start at High street, Fruitvale, promptly at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, and nothing but a heavy downpour of rain at that hour will prevent it. The race will not be postponed if it rains to-day and to-night. The riders and officials will all go over on the 9 a. m. broad gauge boat.
The Bay City Wheelmen will hold an open membership meeting next Saturday evening, October 15, to be followed by an impromptu entertainment and smoker. President Fahrbach has appointed the following committees: House - Harry Larkin, chairman; Frank H. Watters, E. N. Creigh; membership - H. W. Spalding, chairman; Frank H. Kerrigan, Theodore C. Dodge.
Charles Bain of the Reliance Wheelmen, Oakland, who has been in Japan for the past four years, will be home by the next steamer. An exchange from Tokio tells of numerous banquets tendered him by the American colony prior to his departure.
The California Cycling Club will have an old-time run on "ordinaries" and crocks Sunday, October 23, to the beach. The club's handball tournament commences the 25th.
Joseph A. Ostendorf of the Bay City Wheelmen, manager of the Lozier branch house here, was married last Wednesday, the 5th, at Delphos, Ohio, to a Miss Therese Weger. They will make their home in this city.
Albert W. King-Rhys of the Bay Citys is just recovering from an attack of typhoid fever.
The Garden City Wheelmen will have an election shortly, the following being the nominations: President, Dr. Fred Schumacher; vice-president, Norman B. Kooser; recording secretary, George E. Owen; financial secretary, H. L. Miller; directors - James Arguello, Albert Hubbard, L. O. Sill, F. Van Dorsten, Robert J. Butler; captain, J. B. Lamkin; first lieutenant, Tony Delmas; color bearer, R. Davis; bugler, Hardy Downing.
Frank W. Fuller of the Olympic Wheelmen and his bride have gone East on their honeymoon. Apropos, an interesting little story could be told of the time he had trying to catch the overland and dodging Charley Adams, Jack McGlynn and other enthusiastic Olympians, who fain would have showered him and his bride with rice. Fuller was married at San Jose, and - to avoid his friends - came up via Niles to Oakland, taking a street car to the Sixteenth-street depot. Somebody had "tipped off" Adams and McGlynn as to the detour, however, and they were there to meet him. Tableau!