On Wheels. - Daily Alta California, Volume 40, Number 13412, 17 May 1886
On Wheels.
The Bay City boys are booming their part of the field day events that are to come off at Oakland on the 31st, and by dint of much exertion have made Elwell and Davis promise to start in the mile event. The entries are to close at the time the handicaps are announced, one week previous to the events.
Ed. Mohrig has been appointed L. A. W. Consul for San Francisco and Vice-Consul to Chief Welch for the division. Robert J. Cope has been appointed Consul at Los Angeles. The Highland Park Wheelmen have settled on a Yosemite trip early in June. Fred Blinn, one of the members who could not get away then, started for the same place on the 6th, and will give the club points on his return. The H. P.s gladly welcome the return of their member, Harry P. Stow, who has just returned from Harvard College. Harry is the only wheelman that has ever ridden the Alvarado bridge and carried a watermelon under one arm, without loss of life or melon. — [Ingleside.
The Bay City reception and biquet (corrupted into bike-eat) to the Division officers of the League on Wednesday evening was a huge success. The proceedings after the cloth was removed are reported as follows: The first regular toast of the evening, the "League of American Wheelmen," was responded to by Chief Consul Welch; "The San Francisco Bicycle Club, the Parent of Club Cycling on the Pacific Coast," was responded to by Mr. J. W. Gibson; "The Highland Park Wheelmen, Who Get There All the Same," by Mr. A. J. Rosborough; "The Oakland Ramblers," by Mr. J. D. Arkison; "The Park Commissioners," by Harry A. Greene, who proposed in turn "The Bay City Wheelmen." A number of impromptu toast follows. Interspersed were songs by the Clipper Quartette and Messrs. Hammond and Rosborough, and a recitation by Dr. Thomas A. Hill. The event of the evening was a song composed for the occasion by Mr. S. F. Booth, Jr., who was immediately proclaimed the poet laureate of the Division. At midnight the party adjourned after joining hands around the table and singing "Auld Lang Syne."
On Wheels. - Daily Alta California, Volume 40, Number 13412, 17 May 1886