AMONG THE WHEELMEN. - Entries and Handicaps for the Races at Pleasanton Saturday. - The San Francisco Call, 02 Jul 1896
Entries and Handicaps for the Races at Pleasanton Saturday.
Preparations All Completed for the League Meet at Petaluma.
There is to be a small race meeting at Pleasanton on Saturday, and the events, which are for amateurs only, have been entered mostly by the riders of Alameda County, the Acme and Reliance clubs in particular. The events and entrants are as follows:
Half-mile scratch - W. R. Childs, Reliance; C. F. Orra, unattached; A. B. Pickard, M. F. Rose, A. S. McDougall and P. M. Lefevre, Acme; Charles Olson, E. H. Barbeau, Charles Rathbone and Ben Carroll, unattached.
Five-mile handicap - P. M. Lefevre and M. F. Rose, Acme, scratch; A. S. McDougall, Acme, 300 yards; A. B. Pickard, Acme, 350; J. S. Brereton, Reliance, 400; C. F. Orra, unattached, 450; W. R. Childs, Reliance, 500; Charles Olson, E. H. Barbeau, Charles Rathbone and A. W. Rice, unattached, 600; B. Carroll, T. D. Wells Jr., William Baumgarten and N. M. Graper, 650.
One-mile scratch - W. R, Childs, Reliance; C. F. Orra, Charles Olson, E. H. Barbeau, Charles Rathbone and Ben Carroll, unattached; A. B. Pickard, M. F. Rose, A. S. McDougall and P. M. Lefevre, Acme.
The handicapping was done by Robert Assheton Smyth, official handicapper for the League of American Wheelmen.
At a meeting of the San Francisco Road Club Tuesday night the prizes won at the club's recent roadrace were given out. The club had a run last night to attend Bob Mitchell's benefit.
The next regular meeting of the Camera Club Cyclists has been postponed until Thursday evening, July 9.
The Cycle Board of Trade will hold an important meeting this evening in the Mills building to discuss the preparations for the big parade in this city July 25.
James S. Dawson, the electric lineman who was killed Monday, was a prominent member of the Imperial Cycling Club and has held many offices in the organization. His funeral will be held to-day from the clubrooms, 614 Van Ness avenue.
Allan Jones, J. E. Edwards, Oscar Osen, R. L. Long, R. E. Dow, A. M. Boyden and F. M. Byrne, professionals, and C. D. Bates Jr., J. R. Kenna, Ed Chapman and W. S. Bacon, amateurs, besides all the Petaluma riders, are in active training at the Petaluma track for the league meet on the Fourth. Preparations for the big meet have been about completed. A 12-foot wind brake has been erected on the north side of the track to insure protection to the riders and fast time. Someone said the first turn of the track was not very safe, and the Petaluma Wheelmen put men to work at once and remedied the defect. Bicycle racks have been placed inside the grounds and 500 wheels can be taken care of without injury. Allan Jones and J. E. Edwards will go for the mile and half-mile world's records at the meet, paced by a quadruplet. Everything is being done to insure a perfect meet and give the wheelmen a good time.