The Wheel. - San Francisco Chronicle, 20 Jun 1887

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The Wheel.

[Official Organ L. A. W.]

California Division L. A. W. San Francisco Chronicle Mon May 30 1887 .jpeg

CHIEF consul Robert M. Welch; representatives, John W. Gibson, J. D. Arkison, R. C. Woodworth, C. C. Moore, S. F. Booth, Jr.; secretary and treasurer, N. A. Robinson.

The National Racing Board of the League of American Wheelmen offered to locate the ten-mile National championship for 1887 in California, but it was declined, for the reason that it was not either of the distances originally asked for, and besides could not be used at the meet of July 4th, because there was not sufficient time to announce it thirty days previous to the date of contest, as required by the rules of the league.

Preparations for the meet continue. The official programme will be ready for distribution by Tuesday of this week. There has been some delay in getting it out, due entirely to the printer and engraver. At Santa Cruz the track is being kept in fine condition, the invitations for the hop on the evening of July 2d have been issued and now it is proposed to give the wheelmen a barbecue after the parade on Monday, the 4th. Altogether, it promises to be a very large time on wheels, and the unfortunate who does not go will be an object of commiseration for a long time thereafter.

The Capital City Wheelmen of Sacramento have recently elected officers us follows: President, H. C. Bennett: secretary and treasurer, H. G. Toll; captain, W. C. Hevener; Lieutenant, Bernard W. Flye. It is suggested to the club that if they propose holding a tournament this fall, they select the 9th of September - Admission Day - as it is only on a general holiday that any attendance can be relied upon from San Francisco.

The Bay City Wheelmen yesterday had a run to San Mateo, with a picnic lunch on the beach. It was well attended and highly successful, as all such affairs of this club usually are. To-night they elect officers to serve for the ensuing six months.

The arrangements for the League meet for July 4th at Santa Cruz are partially completed, and the Committee of Arrangements may rest on its oars and watch the result of its meetings, will be shown by the successive events as arranged in the official programme. Apropos of the design of the programme for the California division meet, the shape adopted is the same as the programme of the national meet at St. Louis, and for style and artistic workmanship will compare most favorably with the St Louis programme.

The book is to be printed in the league color, purple, and will embody such information as will leave no question open On any point of the meet. The cover will receive the most attention, and will serve as a souvenir as well as a specimen of the printer's art.

Chief Consul Welch made a trip yesterday to Santa Cruz to talk over a few of tbe details for the hop of July 2d. Matters for this enjoyable event are well in hand, and by the close of this week everything will be ready.

The programme will be finished early this week, and will be mailed throughout the state to all wheelmen. It is hoped that every rider will do his best to be present at the meet, and by his presence make the affair a thorough success.

Secretary Houseworth of the Committee of Arrangements reports that very few wheelmen, comparatively, have secured their cots for the meet, but if any who attend find it impossible to obtain sleeping accommodations they may thank themselves, for time enough was allowed.

Tourmaster Letcher of the California division, League of Amateur Wheelmen, has been busy studying up the roads of Alameda and Contra Costa counties. He intends very shortly to inaugurate a series of tours to the interesting points easy of access from San Francisco, and devote Saturday afternoons and Sundays to these excursions. If properly arranged there is no reason why the California division could not make up many pleasant touring parties.

Captain Houseworth, C. N. Brewster and Chief Consul R. M. Welch have all received their new mounts for 1887 during the past week, and these gentlemen might have been seen yesterday getting reacquainted with their steeds.

A number of the contestants in the recent field-day races feel very much alarmed less they should not have the medals they won to wear at the league meet on the Fourth of July. The Committee of Arrangements for those races wish to announce that the medals are all finished and are in the hands of the engraver for lettering. The medals will probably be completed and ready for presentation the latter part of this week, or early next.

Now that Captain Houseworth is possessed of new wheel, he will bestir himself to look up some new and interesting territory for new club runs.

There will be a special meeting of the San Francisco Bicycle Club on Thursday evening to complete arrangements for the club camp to be held at Santa Cruz during the league meeting. The club has arranged for grounds on Sea-beach hill, adjoining the Sea-beach Hotel, and has also completed arrangements for feeding and quartering its members. Quarters will be formed with the front of camp facing the ocean, and they will consist of one large tent for headquarters and five or six smaller tents. This place is within easy reach of the bathhouses and is one mile nearer the race-track than league headquarters. A pennant bearing the club colors and the initials "S. F. Bi. C." will float in the breeze from headquarters. As far as can be judged from talk, most every wheelman is going to make a hard fight to attend the second annual [:Category:July 4th, 1887 annual meet of the California Division, League of American Wheelmen|meeting of the California Division, League of American Wheelmen]], and come home feeling well repaid for his attendance.

Joseph L. Bley, the "champion infantile bicycle rider of America," took a trial trip on Sunday last of twenty miles, to San Mateo. Leaving Ellis street and Van Ness avenue at 10:27 A. M., he arrived at Twenty-sixth street and San Bruno road (old Mission) at 10:36. The wind blew a gale, making record-breaking almost an impossibility. By cyclometer measurement, seven miles were walked, during which a vast number of teams passed him. Two miles on the other side of san Bruno the wind calmed some and the lost time was picked up to some extent. One team after another was passed, and he rode up to the station at San Mateo, twenty miles, cyclometer measurement, from Ellis and Van Ness, in exactly two hours and three minutes. Considering the weather and the heavy machine he was handicapped with, the time was remarkably good for so young a boy. Yesterday he took a trip to Belmont, riding the same wheel. On sanday next he will take the final trip to San Jose, upon which occasion a prominent importer of 'cycles has offered him a light wheel to ride. He expects to lower the record for boys of 13 years and under for America, which be now holds. Master Bley weighs scarcely seventy-five pounds, and his figure is small, but well developed. Three months after he commenced to ride he entered the Bay City Wheelmen's race for boys 16 years old and under, at the Mechanics Pavilion. He gained second place and a silver medal, being beaten by George Dixon by a foot. In company with A. Gambitz, be has ridden to Salinas City - 120 miles - in eighteen hours' riding time. He headed a number of the "boys" during the Stevens run to Haywards, arriving among the first, and riding back on his wheel, while many older riders took the train.

The all-absorbing topic of conversation among the riders is the meeting at Santa Cruz on the Fourth of July. The most perfect Arrangements are being made to entertain the visitors and insure to all a good time. It is the intention of the Santa Cruz Club to make their camp one of the features of the meet. Receptions will be had in the camp, and at night it will be illuminated with Chinese lanterns. It is expected the tents will be arranged to present a very pleasing appearance. Mr. Patrick has full charge of all arrangements, and is doing everything to make it a great success.

The Alameda Scorchers will enter three men for the Santa Cruz races - Wheaton, Ireland and Brown.

The Alameda Scorchers were recently organized, with the following charter members: Charles Wheaton, James Tyson, the Haslett brothers, A. M. Brown and A. S. Irelan. The officers are: Percy Haslett, president and captain; Al Brown, secretary and treasurer: A. S. Irelan, lieutenant. They expect to have their new uniforms out by the 1st prox., and intend to participate in the Santa Cruz meet as a club.

Adcock has entered for the mile and ten-mile state championship events at Santa Cruz, and Emil Fahrbach for the half-mile.

The following is a list of races of the annual meet at Santa Cruz, Monday afternoon, July 4, 1887: One-mile novice, one-mile League of American Wheelmen State championship, ten-mile League of American Wheelmen State championship. Half-mile dash, one-mile handicap, three-mile handicap, five-mile handicap, one hundred yards slow race, competitive exhibition of fancy riding. Gold medal to first and silver medal to second men in each event when there are three or more competitors. Gold medal to first man only when there are but two competitors. Entrance fee $1 to each event, 50 cents returned to starters. Competitors will be designated by their colors, and are requested to select same at time of entering. Entries close with Edwin Mohrig, chairman of sub-committee on races, at 112 Golden Gate avenue, Saturday evening. June 25th, at 6 o'clock.

The following Californians have been admitted into the League of American Wheelmen: Unattached - W. D. Bigelow, H. A. Chamberlain, Milton Jones, San Mateo: Percy J. Brown, 645 Market Street, W. A. Ruthrauff, Fourth and Townsend streets, Fred Hood, 208 Octavia street, Alexander C. Miller, 1522 O'Farrell street, San Francisco; J. L Jonas, Santa Cruz; H. S. Ellerman, H. O. Wickes, Willows, Bay City Wheelmen - Frank Richardson, 236 Van Ness avenue, San Francisco. Alameda Scorchers - James Tyson, Willows Bicycle Club - J. B. Riddell, Willows.

The chief consul returned from Santa Cruz last evening very much gratified at the prospects for the success of the meet. He found the track kept in fine condition and the citizens disposed to give the wheelmen a most generous welcome. The amount of work done by the Committee of Arrangements, especially by Consul Radke at Santa Cruz, is but little realized by the wheelmen at large.

Woodworth of Los Angeles, with his trainer, will arrive at Santa Cruz by steamer on Tuesday next.

Says the Santa Cruz Sentinel of Sunday the 19th inst: The wheelmen, two hundred and fifty strong, as they stretch out, four abreast and eight feet apart, from the Lower Plaza to Beach Hill, July the Fourth, will be a picture new to Santa Cruz and interesting to contemplate. They will form a feature, if not the feature of the coming celebration and cause thousands to carry in the City of the Holy Cross on the anniversary of the birth of American independence.