BUZZING WHEELS. - The Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club Meet. - The San Francisco Call, 31 May 1893

From Wooljersey


The Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club Meet.


An Afternoon's Cycling Contests That Were Witnessed by Thousands of people.

C The San Francisco Call Wed May 31 1893 .jpeg

ONSIDERING the many counter attractions of yesterday in the way of aquatic and athletic sports, the race meeting of the Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club at the track of this club yesterday proved a grand success. In fact it was one of the most enjoyable athletic outings that has taken place in Alameda for many months.

All that was required to make the occasion doubly brilliant was the smashing of records, and so far as this was concerned the representatives of the club can feel satisfied.

Better racing could not possibly have been desired, although the finishes in some of the heats were not as close as had been expected.

The spirited music of the park band was greatly enjoyed by the contesting wheelmen, and the ladies, who were sheltered


from the rays of the sun, were particularly pleased.

The club has been placed on a good footing financially by the success of the meeting, and extra attractions will be added to the grounds so as to make them perfect in every particular and equal in point of beauty to any of the bicycle grounds of America. It was estimated that 3000 people were present yesterday when the first race was called.

So far as the racing was concerned the surprise of the day to the uninitiated was the fast riding of Otto Ziegler, Jr. of the San Jose Road Club. He is a little fellow, but the way he did glide away from his opponents was really surprising. He will ride back to his home in the Garden City on the beautiful twenty-three-pound racer he won in the mile handicap race, and if the wheel will bear the extra weight will wear the gold medal given to him as winner of the mile novice race, Otto is young yet, but evidently he is a coming man.

If Wilbur Edwards, the sturdy and gentlemanly representative of the Stanford University, did not secure the championship he at least won the admiration of at least 3000 spectators, who sympathized with him when he sustained an unfortunate fall, and applauded to the echo when though crippled, so he could scarcely stand, he lowered the coast record for one mile. He is the pluckiest rider who ever mounted a safety, and had he not disregarded the advice of the club's surgeon would not have attempted to ride again after his accident. In the final heat of the handicap he was fairly beaten by Foster, who was in splendid condition. [illegible] to get ahead of the bandaged aud arnica-coated little fellow the Bay champion [illegible] forced to make the race of his life and [illegible] another fraction off the coast record. When these two fliers again meet, both being in equally good form, may we all be there to see.

Walter Foster has every reason to congratulate himself on his success. He never rode so well before and now holds the two-mile league championship. He has not yet reached the limit of his speed and may yet cut several seconds off the fine time he made yesterday.

George H. Osen was out of luck. He is a very powerful man, and in starting out he pushed too hard on the pedals, bending one of the crank-pins and putting himself out of the two-mile race, in which he would have been a formidable competitor.

The results of the events were as follows:

Two mile L. A. W. division championship: First heat - W. J. Edwards, G. C. C.; C. S. Wells, Cap. C. W.; C. L. Davis, G. C. C.; J. C. Smith, S. J. R. C.; H. T. Terrill, B. C. W.

Won by Edwards, time 5 min. 34 1-5 sec.; Wells second, time 5 min. 34 2-5 sec.

Second heat - W. F. Foster, B. C. W.; G. H. Osen, G. C. C.; W. A. Dexter, R. C. W.

Won by Foster, time 5:45; Dexter second, time 5:45 1-5.

Owing to an unfortunate occurrence which happened to the heavy-weight G. H. Osen's wheel - the pedal-pin being bent by his too energetic start - he was obliged to retire on the first lap from the lace leaving Foster and Dexter to finish as the pleased.

In the final Edwards, Foster, Wells and Dexter started.

On account of the unlooked-for accident which Osen met with in the second heat the contestants in the first heat, with the exception of Wells, agreed to allow Osen to race, but as there was one objector Osen had to remain out of it, much to the disgust of bicyclists in general.

Edwards made a great spurt after passing the winning post on the seventh lap to overhaul Foster. He took the inside position, and in trying to hold the upper corner when going at a phenomenal burst of speed with Foster on the outside, he unfortunately slipped and fell, cutting his right elbow to the bone and badly lacerating his knee, which came forcibly into contact with the hard surface of the track.

The wheelmen and spectators lost all interest in the race at this juncture, as it was expected that the final spurt between Foster and Edwards would be the great feature of the day's sport. Foster won an easy victory when Edwards dropped out. Time, 5 minutes and 37 3-5 seconds. Wells second, 5 minutes and 40 3-5 seconds.

Second event - One mile novice, five heats - Result: First heat, starters - C. D. Smith, G. C. C.; T. R. McCuen, O. L. W.; A. Reid, B. C. W.; P. J. Grindell, Un.; G. W. Simpson, S. F. B. C.; J. B. Harris, Acme A. C.

Won by Simpson, time 2:49; Grindell second, 2:49 3-5.

Second heat - C. J. Belloli, S. J. R. C.; H. V. Ready, B. C. W.; M. A. Griffith, Cal. C. C.; R. L. Long, A. B. and A. C.; J. H. Hutaff, S. F. B. C.; A. Bedbury, Acme A. C.

Won by Hutaff, time 2:42 1-5; Long second, 2:42 3-5.

This was a well-contested race and a good finish resulted.

Third heat - Otto Zeigler, Jr., S. J. R. C.; G. A. Nissen, Un.; M. F. Rose, Acme A. C.; E. S. Battles, B. C. W.; Wilber Walker, Un.

Won by Zeigler, time 2:58; Nissen second, time 2:58 2-5.

The winner came home at a commonplace gait and took his hat off and doffed to the ladies of the grand stand as he shot over the line an easy victor.

Fourth heat: Starters - F. C. Reynolds, Cal. C. C.; J. R. Sampson, Acme A. C.; J. Gillies, S. F. B. C.; E. Cushing, Un.; J. Henderson. Un.; J. W. Seely, Un.; A. Berryessa, S. J. R. C.

Won by Sampson, time 2:41 2-5; Reynolds second, 2:41 3-5.

The last lap was exciting, as Sampson shot out from third place and passing Reynolds, challenged Gillies for first place. The spurt was of the hottest kind and Gillies fell behind, leaving Reynolds and Sampson to make the final brush. Sampson, who donned the winning number, easily disposed of bis opponent and came home with a smile on his handsome face that would reach from Oakland to San Jose.

Fifth heat: Starters - W. A. Terrill, B. C. W.; H. Gunn, Cal. C. C.; A. L. Hubbard, G. C. C.; E. F. Nissen, A. B. and A. C.; G. E. Owen, unattached.

Won by Terrill, time 2:48 1-5; Gunn second, time 2:48 4-5.

This race was won easily by Terrill, who rode leisurely to the finish.

In the final the following riders started: Otto Zeigler Jr., Simpson, Hutaff, Reynolds, Sampson, Terrill.

In rounding the turn of the first lap Reynolds fell. When the gong sounded the fourth lap the wheels were sent flying over the track at an astonishing pace.

Zeigler then came along as if shot from one of the Monterey's big guns and took the lead, finishing in grand style, with Terrill and Sampson struggling for second place. Time of winner, 3 min.; second, Terrill, time 3 min. 1 sec.

One-mile scratch - First heat; Starters - C. N. Langton, B. C. W.; F. M. Magill, A. B. and A. C.; C. L. Davis, G. C. C.; W. F. Foster, B. C. C.; J. E. Alexander, G. C. C.; G. H. Osen, G. C. C.

Won by Alexander, time 2 min. 39 4-5 sec.; second, Davis, time 2 min. 40 sec.

This was a very close finish and created unbounded enthusiasm.

Second heat: Starters - C. S. Wells, Cap. tain C. W.; T. A. Schlueter, Acme A. C.; R. L. Long, A. B. and A. C.; H. C. Smith, G. C. C.

Won by Wells, time 2:50 3-5; second, Schlueter, 2:50 4-5.

Final heat: Starters - Alexander, Davis, Wells and Schlueter.

Result - Wells first, time 2 min. 49 1-5 sec.; Davis second, 2 min. 49 4-5 sec.

The contest was close and the riders were well bunched up to turning of the mound in the final lap, when Wells shot to the front and won handsomely.

One-mile handicap, six heats. First heat: Starters - J. H. Hutaff, S. F. B. C., 120 yards; R. Ready, unattached, 50 yards; W. J. Caldwell, B. C. W., 50 yards; G. A. Nissen, unattached, 35 yards; M. F. Rose, Acme A. C.; 60 yards; W. A. Terrill, B. C. W., 85 yards; W. R. Lippsett, G. C. C.. 75 yards.

Won by Rose, time 2:28 4-5; Terrill second, 2:29 1-5.

Serond heat: Starters - H. V. Ready, B. C. W., 100 yards; Otto Zeigler Jr., S. J. R. C., 60 yards; Otto Putzker, Acme A. C., 85 yards; G. W. Simpson, S. F. B. C., 100 yards; A. Bedbury, Acme A. C., 70 yards.

Won by Zeigler, time 2:38 3-5; Simpson second, 2:40 3-3. This race was easily won by Zeigler.

Third-heat starters - J. C. Smith, S. J. R. C., 30 yards; W. F. Foster, B. C. W., scratch; J. E. Alexander, G. C. C., 25 yards; T. A. Schlueter, Acme A. C., 30 yards; Russell Cushing, Un., 100 yards; Herbert Gunn, Cal. C. C., 80 yards; E. F. Nissen, A. B. and A. C., 40 yards. Won by Foster, time 2:29; Schlueter second.

There was great excitement resulting over the fact that the winner, Foster, had lowered the coast record in this race, which was 2:30 4-5, held by D. L. Burke.

Fourth heat - Starters: T. J. Cullen, Cal. C. C., 100 yards; C. S. Wells, Cap. C. W., 25 yards; C. J. Belloli, S. J. R. C., 75 yards: H. F. Terrill, B. C. W., 70 yards: J. R. Sampson, Acme A. C., 40 yards.

Won by Terrill, time 2:31; Sampson second, 2:33 2-5.

Wells dropped out after going a short distance. His saddle ripped when he essayed a spurt.

Fifth heat - Starters: W. J. Edwards, G. C. C., scratch; E. S. Battles, B. C. W. 100 yards; J. Gillies, S. F. B. C., 120 yards; Wilber Walker, Un., 100 yards; H. C. Smith, G. C. C., 40 yards; Oscar O. Osen, S. J. R C., 60 yards; J. B. Harris, Acme A. C., 80 yards.

Won by Edwards, time 2:28 3-5; Osen second.

When the pistol cracked Edwards bent over his wheel and shot past the spot from which he was only a short time before picked up in a disabled condition.

When the time of the winner was chalked up on the big board there was no end of noise. Edwards had lowered Foster's record by a fraction, and his friends actually packed him from the wheel, and shouted the praise of their plucky representative in a manner that plainly attested their feelings.

Sixth heat: Starters - G. D. Osen, G. C. C., scratch; F. C. Reynolds, Cal. C. C., 80 yards; W. A. Dexter, R. C. W., 90 yards; D. Marshall, B. C. W., 50 yards; M. A. Griffith, Cal. C. C., 110 yards; C. N. Langton, B. C. W., 100 yards; W. H. McDonald, Acme A. C., 120 yards. Won by Reynolds, time 2:35 1-5; Dexter second, 2:38.

In the the final heat the starters were: Rose, Zeigler, Foster, Terrill, Edwards, Reynolds and Osen.

Foster was first to leave the mark, with Edwards at his side. The race was close, and was won by Zeigler in 2 minutes and 26 seconds, Terrill second-time, 2:28 1-5.

When the times of the scratch men were taken the surprise of the eager spectators can probably be better imagined than described as they feasted their eyes upon the marker, who scratched on the big blackboard the figures: "2 minutes and 28 1-5 seconds. Foster first, Edwards second."

The wind-up of the grand day's entertainment consisted in the distribution of prizes by Mrs. W. H. Souther, assisted by the Misses Elliott, Nixon and Culver of the Ladies' Annex of the Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club. They were as follows:

One-mile novice - First prize gold medal, second prize gold medal, third prize, silver medal.

Two-mile L. A. W. division championship - First prize gold medal, second prize silver medal of the design prescribed by the division racing board.

One-mile scratch - First prize silver loving cup, second prize classic figure lamp, third prize diamond locket.

One-mile handicap - First prize racing bicycle, second prize onyx clock, third prize gold and platinum watchchain.