Highland Park Wheelmen

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See also Reliance Club Wheelmen


Oakland, CA



It is said that the Highland Park Wheelmen, a new club across the bay, will enter a team for the record race of the B. C. W.

Bicycling. - The San Francisco Examiner, 01 Feb 1886

There will be a fifty-mile race between five members of the Bay City Wheelmen and five of the Highland Club boys on February 22d, the course being from Gilroy to Menlo Park. The prize is a club bugle, to be awarded the club whose representative wins the race. Thursday, W. J. Bowman, Jerome Churchill and J. Blinn, of the Highland Club, were in this section making a fifty-mile road run. The course is from San Leandro, up the Hayward road, to the Lewelling road, to San Lorenzo; thence down the San Lorenzo road, via L. Stone, to starting point, a distance of eight and seven-eighths miles. One run, which was timed, was made in 34 minutes. The run will be an exciting one.

A Bicycle Race. - Oakland Tribune, February 20, 1886

Shortly after 7 o'clock yesterday morning thirty members of the Bay City Wheelmen assembled at the corner of Mission and Twenty-first streets, and, under the leadership of Captain Fred R. Cook, started on the run to San Jose. The day was beautiful and the roads in excellent condition. No fast time was attempted, in order to allow even the slowest of the members to keep up. After a pleasant run Redwood City was reached about twelve o clock. Here an elegant repast was spread, to which everybody did full justice. After a short rest the wheels were again mounted and the journey to San Jose resumed. At the Garden City the dusty but hilarious wheelmen were met by the Oakland Bicycle Club and the Highland Park Club, which had made the run down on the other side of the bay. The night was passed at San Jose. ...

G. A. Dusenbury of the Highland Park Club will not participate in the road race to-day, as he is suffering severely from the effects of a recent "header."

BICYCLING. - Run of the Bay City Wheelmen and Other Speedy Clubs. - 22 Feb 1886, Mon The San Francisco Examiner

An interesting bicycle race occurred on Washington's Birthday, the event being a 50-mile road race from Gilroy to Menlo Park. Teams from the Bay City Club, of San Francisco, and from the Highland Park Club, of Oakland competed for a prize of a bugle, to be won by the club gaining the greatest number of points. There were six entrees, [sic] three from each club. Sunday afternoon nine of the cyclers rode in company from San Jose to Gilroy. Within seven miles of Gilroy a swift, gravely stream obliged eight of the riders to climb a couple of fences and pack their machines on their backs over a railroad trestle. One cycler tried to ford the stream and stood on his head in the middle, much to the hilarity of the rest. The start was made from Gilroy at 7:25 A. M., Monday morning. Elwell and Booth, of the Bay City Club, led the way, closely followed by Churchill and Bowman, of the Highland Park Club, while Tittle and Roseborough [Rosborough] brought up the rear. The railroad bridge was taken by all but one rider, who waded the creek. When 12 miles out of Gilroy, Churchill took a severe tumble, breaking the handle bar from his machine, and thereby putting him out of the contest. The remaining five covered the 50 miles without further accident, arriving at Menlo Park in the following time and order: Elwell, 3:31; Bowman, 3:44; Booth, 3:55; Roseborough, 4:06; Tittle, 4:09. The Bay City Club making 19 points, while the Highland Park made 6. The former club were therefore declared victorious. The best time ever made in this country for 50 miles is 3:29; so considering the railroad bridge to be crossed, and about 10 miles of rough road the time made was good. Elwell, the first in, is a young man, six feet in height, who weighs 175 pounds. He has only been riding a short time, and is considered a phenomenal rider.

A BICYCLE RACE. - The Bay City Club and the Highland Park Club Compete. - Wed, Feb 24, 1886 - Page 3 - Oakland Tribune

At the foot of Broadway, on the Oakland side, some thirty cyclists and a large number of spectators were awaiting the arrival of the San Francisco contingent, and Stevens became the center of an admiring group on landing. At 10 o'clock precisely the bicyclists to the number of 150 formed in line and started on their trip in the following order, riding two and two: Chief Consul R. M. Welch and Thomas Stevens; Representatives of Divisions Beiderman and Booth; Representative Harrison and Secretary of League Haslett: Vice-Consul Mohrig and Consul Bowman of Oakland, Captain Meeker, B. C. W. and Captain Houseworth. S. F. B. C.; Captain Tisdall, Oakland Ramblers, and Captain Donnelly, San Mateo Wheelmen; members of the Senior League Club, Bay City Wheelmen, in command of Lieutenant James; San Francisco Bicycle Club, in command of Lieutenant McDonald; Oakland Ramblers, in command of Lieutenant Havens; San Mateo Wheelmen, in command of Lieutenant Knapp: Highland Park Wheelmen, in command of Captain Rosborough. The rear was brought up by a number of wheelmen who are not attached to any of the local clubs.

Thomas Stevens finishes his around-the-world bicycle journey in San Francisco, January 8, 1887.

The Highland Park Wheelmen is a little organization in itself. The prominent members of the club are Messrs. Blinn, Rosborough, Olney, Churchill, and Fred Blinn.

THE WHEELMEN. - The Rise and Fall of the Ariel Bicycle Club. - Oakland Tribune, 18 Apr 1888

East Oakland and Highland Park once boasted of a large contingent of wheelmen, but few now remain, and no enthusiasm is shown by the present riders.

WHEEL WHIRLS. - Oakland Tribune, 24 Sep 1890

"There were no paved highways in those days, in some places the best to be had was a macadamized road, but the jump between these stretches was far. The members picked by the Highland Park Wheelmen were J. P. Churchill, who rode a 56-inch diameter wheel; Alex Ireland, with a 54; Alex J. Rosborough a 54 and Frank Blinn a 52; while the Bay City Wheelman had selected a big and powerful-legged rider named Elwell, who rode a 58-inch wheel, (and as I remember Cooke, [Cook] Zeigler and Davis), each riding a 54. The general opinion seemed to be that Elwell would capture first place, but the Oakland boys figured that even if he did they could win on points. So the riders went away from Los Gatos to a good start and humping over the handlebars, got into the long grind. All went well as the big wheels pinged over a rock or a rough spot, until approaching San Jose, when Churchill, who was pressing Elwell hard, hit a rough spot and grounded. He waved all on, calling out that he was not hurt, and made his way to a watering trough to wash the blood out of his eyes, and then, though out of the race, came on to join at the fine banquet. When the jolly fine banquet was finished, Churchill, Blinn and Rosborough rode back to San Jose and then back to Oakland, making it 120 miles for the day,"

Big Wheels - Fifty-Mile Bicycle Race - The Knave - Sun, Nov 18, 1951 - Page 73 - Oakland Tribune

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