CYCLING NEWS UP TO DATE - The San Francisco Examiner. October 07, 1894

From Wooljersey


A Poor Referee the Weak Point in Monday's Races.


Another Castleman-McAleer Twenty-Five Mile Race - South California Gossip - Tomorrow's Events - Wheelmen In Politics - An Electric Light Tournament - New Clubs Forming.

There was an excellent attendance at Monday's tournament and the forenoon programme was a success in all ways, but the afternoon went off only half as well as it should have done on account of the fool-hardiness of one man, who was unfortunately chosen referee. There was no need of hurrying, yet the first two races were run by the referee and part of the officials before half of the contestants for those races could arrive or the rest of the offcials got back from lunch. No one was pleased by this move, and it cost the audience a long wait and the Olympic Club Wheelmen an extra set of prizes.

Monday's races also brought the starter out too prominently again, repeating the San Jose incident, where Frank Elwell also tried to be referee. He may have been a good referee years ago, but he is way behind the times now, and his work as handicapper is nearly as bad. Clubs should use better judgment in choosing officials and pick some of the newer men who are more up to date.

The magazine, Good Roads, published by the League of American Wheelmen, is doing much good in highway and street reform. It is issued from Boston, and Sterling Elliot has given up his bicycle factory to edit it.

The Social Wheel Club of Salt Lake City runs its championship in five races, the winner of three or more races becoming the champion of the year.

The Acme Club Wheelmen have a run to-morrow to San Pablo. The start will be from the Acme A. C. on Twelfth street, Oakland, at 9:30 A. M., and Captain Kitchen announces a chicken dinner and salt water bathing as features of the club run.

Chicago wheelmen have named a municipal ticket, and with over 50,000 riders and their friends expect to elect part of it. W. H. Van Sicklen of Bearings is the candidate for County Treasurer.

On Sunday, October 21st, the Californias have a run to Mt. Diablo, leaving the city Saturday evening so as to be on the summit to see the sun rise.

Early in August the Oroville Citrus Cycling Club was organized with T. M. Cooke, Captain, George Westwood, President, and Frank Grey, Secretary-Treasurer.

Philadelphia wheelmen had an electric-light tournament on the evening of September 26th, at which there were 6,000 spectators. Taxis made a half mile in 1:05 3-5, and some others made fast time, too, though most of the riders were timid. An electric light meet should be held here this fall.

The California Cycling Club will have a ladies' night November 10th, and the committee in charge is composed of Messrs. Brunt, Boyd, Boyle, Karl, Scott, Wren and Flood, the latter being chairman.

F. Howard Tuttle left for Denver Thursday going by way of Los Angeles.

A bicycle club will soon be organized in Chico.

The annual ten-mile road race of the California Cycling Club, which was postponed from last Sunday on account of the rain, will be run to-morrow, starting from High street, Fruitvale, at 1 o'clock. Observation cars on the Hayward electric line will accompany the contestants, and fast time is expected from the club's new racing men.

The entrants, with handicaps, are: G. Williams, 5 minutes; S. Friedlander, 5; J. Burke, 4; W. C. Dunlop, 4; J. Wall, 4; F. Hansen, 3; T. Casserly, 3; C. F. Gates, 2; J. Reid, 24: E. Erbe, 2 1/2; H. Sternberg, 2; H. Egeberg, 2; F. Heineman, 1; A. Theisen, 1; J. Harvey, 1; F. Reynolds, scratch.

Captain C. J. Belloli of the San Jose Road Club has issued a neat circular outlining the club runs for October. The first run will start from the Road Club's headquarters in San Jose] at 6:30 this evening and will be the first club run ever called for Mount Hamilton. The twenty-six-mile run will be a rather long and steep one for a moonlight. At midnight the club will start back, and each rider is requested to bring a lunch and a lantern, if he has one. Captain Thornton of the Olympic Club Wheelmen holds his first club run to-morrow. It will be to Pillarcitos. The start is at 8:30 sharp from the Olympic Clubhouse. A special effort will be made to please new members.

J. B. Harmon, Charles E. High and R. Butcher are the latest additions to the Road Club.

The Olympic Club Wheelmen will be represented in the first annual ten-mile road of the Associated Clubs by Messrs. Christ, Gunn, Ramsay, Thomas, Bernhard, Plageman, Nauman and George Fuller. Haley may also ride.

The Relay Cup is causing some serious talk among the Road Club. Captain Belloli says: "We must have it." The club has good material hidden in its ranks and he intends to bring it out.

Fred Larder of the Road Club is touring to Sacramento.

The Olympics made a fair profit on their meet and theatre party.

John W. Leavitt of the O. C. W. has gone into partnership with John T. Bill of Salt Lake City, and the firm has purchased the Cleveland store, formerly conducted by E. E. Stoddard at 306 McAllister street. Mr. Bill is a brother of Louis C. Bill, manager of the Cleveland branch house next door.

Those entered for the C. A. C. C. road race from the Road Club are: A. Schwall, F. A. McFarland, C. J. Belloli and G. Hardenbrook.

The Acmes will have a strong team in the big road race, and the Reliance boys expect to be well represented too.

Frank Fuller and his fourteen-year-old brother George of the O. C. W. are now riding a thirty-four-pound tandem, the lightest road tandem on the coast.

The time prize for the road race of the California Association Cycling Clubs on the 14th will probably be a diamond set locket, the diamond to be worth at least $50.

The arrangements for the S. J. R. C. Thanksgiving Day race meet will be actively pushed forward. The old Garden City Cyclers' track will be used, as the proposed three-lap track for San Jose will not be built by that time. On October 21st the San Jose Road Club will hold another five-mile road race on the Alum Rock course.

The bicycle thief seems to be still doing a good business. Perkins & Walker of 1788 Market street report the loss of a Liberty (No. 3,623), offering $20 reward for the wheel and $30 reward for the man who hired the wheel.

George Easton, who rode to this city on a bicycle from St. Louis, returned East by cars on Wednesday. Harry Alvord, who came with him, will see more of California. N. J. Allen, Vice-Consul of the Southern division of the L. A. W. and President of the Los Angeles Wheelmen, the leading bicycle organization of Southern California, speaks very enthusiastically of the McAleer-Castleman race, of which he was the referee. It was a splendid battle, and in his opinion the riders were about as evenly matched as any two that could have me been found in the State. In regard to Castleman's claim of foul in the last lap, Mr. Allen stated that it was entirely Castleman's fault that he left the track. He felt that some trouble would occur when the men turned into the homestretch, so in company with an umpire, John Tufts, he went and stood by the turn. When the riders struck the five-foot bank their wheels were lapping, both riding near the outside of the track. The pacemakers were about twenty feet in advance. Castleman, who was on the outside, increased his speed so as to get the additional momentum from the slope, as the bank dropped into the home-stretch. He lost control of his wheel, however, and ran off the track, neither McAleer nor the pacemakers interfering in the least with him.

According to the articles of agreement the referee's decision was final, and Mr. Castleman cannot therefore make an appeal to the National Racing Board.

Casey Castleman's friends are not satisfied though, and negotiations have already ben begun for another race between the two men for a trophy to which each side contributes $260, just double the amount of the last race's prize.

Emil Ulbrecht, the gritty long-distance rider, is shortly to go after the twenty-four-hour American record, which is now held by Spooner of Chicago. Ulbrecht is in good condition and feels very confident of making a creditable try at the mark. He will probably ride for the record the latter part of October or early in November.

A new club, called the "Owl," is being organized by the Southern Rambler team. They announce a 25-mile handicap race at Agricultural Park, Los Angeles, October 27th. A piano is to be offered for first place. S. G. Spier is getting up the event.

L. W. Fox, the crack Riverside wheelman, has retired from the track until next year. Jimmie Cowan, another rapid wearer of the orange and black, has also retired. He is subject to heart trouble, and on the advice of physicians has given up racing for an indefinite period.

T. Q. Hall, who was McAleer's manager in the recent race with Castleman, has gone on a wheeling tour through Mexico. He will be gone about a month.

Ulbrecht, Kitchen, Jenkins and McAleer represented Los Angeles in the bicycle races at the [Cabrillo celebration held at San Diego]. It has been very noticeable lately that these men are generally the first four to finish in all of the events in which they ride.

The most important cycling organization in the State is the California Associated Cycling Clubs. It is a confederation of the leading wheel clubs, and the San Francisco clubs in C. A. C. C. are the Bay City Wheelmen, California Cycling Club, Olympic Club Wheelmen, Pacific Cycling Club and Pathfinders' Bicycle Club.

The annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Associated Cycling Clubs will be held this evening in the parlor of the Oakland Y. M. C. A. Cycling Club. New officials are to be elected and much other important business is to be done. The popular choice for President seems to be Henry F. Wynne of the Californias, who is at present one of the two Vice-Presidents. Jules Hancock of the Bay City Wheelmen or C. J. Belloli of the Road Club will probably be elected Secretary-Treasurer, and Young of the Reliance Club Wheelmen and Len D. Owens, Chairman of the Olympic Club Wheelmen, are some of the good men for Vice-Presidents. The Board of Governors is made up of three delegates from each club in the C. A. C. C.