THE WHEELMEN. San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 15, 15 June 1895
Races at Santa Cruz To-Day - Associated Clubs' Joint Run.
Club Events To-Morrow.
Acme Club Wheelmen — At Santa Cruz.
Bay City Wheelmen — At Santa Cruz.
California Cycling Club — Road race and run to San Mateo.
Crescent Road Club — Run to Camp Taylor.
Garden City Cyclers — At Santa Cruz.
Olympic Club Wheelmen — At Santa Cruz.
Outing Road Club — Run to Tamalpais.
Reliance Club Wheelmen — At Santa Cruz.
Royal Cycling Club — Run around the City.
San Francisco Road Club — Run to Lake Chabot.
San Jose Road Club — At Santa Cruz.
Verein Eintracht Cycle Club — Run to Petaluma.
Camera Club Cyclists — To Tocaloma.
Most of the racing men and all the club members who can afford the time will be in Santa Cruz to-day and to-morrow, attending the carnival, and the cycling events in conjunction therewith.
Several parties rode down Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. The Olympic Wheelmen started to ride down at 5 o'clock last night, resting at San Jose and going over the mountains early this morning. The racing men all left by train last night. The Pilot Wheelmen, who have in hand the management of the races, have done everything in their power to make their initial meet a success. The track is in good condition, the prizes liberal, and as all the fast men will compete success seems assured.
The emblem of the Pilot Wheelmen is the most characteristic design for a cycling club yet seen here. What could be more appropriate for a club with that name than a pilot wheel with the letter P in the center? Put this on a man's sweater and it requires no imagination whatever to decide that familiar question: "What club does he belong to?" He is a Pilot wheelman.

The annual run of the Associated Clubs comes next Sunday, and after that we will look forward with pleasant anticipation to the annual meet of the League of American Wheelmen, to be held at San Jose on July 4. The races will be under the auspices of the Garden City Cyclers on their celebrated three-lap track, and the meeting will be on a par with that of last April.
The following is the list of events:
Two-thirds of a mile, scratch, class B; one mile, handicap, class B; one-third of a mile, scratch, class A; two-thirds of a mile, handicap, class A; one mile, handicap, class A.
It goes without saying that the Cyclers will put up a fine lot of prizes for these events. It will be noticed that the usual novice race has been omitted. This is just as well, as it is uninteresting. Entry blanks will be sent out next week, and riders from all over the State will undoubtedly compete.
At the last meeting of the Crescent Road Club the following officers were elected: President, J. Leve; vice-president, H. Hecht: treasurer, E. Eisfelder: recording secretary, L. Bearwald; financial secretary, Izzie Cohn; sergeant-at-arms, A. Blumenthal; Captain, A. Bearwald; first lieutenant, H. Gunderson; second lieutenant, L. Sittenheim.
The following were elected to membership: George Thompson, William Lee, Thomas Brannen and Fred Klopstock.
The club holds a club run to Camp Taylor to-morrow, leaving the clubrooms at 7:30 a. m. and taking 8 a. m. Sausalito boat.
Captain A. Bearwald is on an extended trip on his wheel through Sonoma County and intends making Santa Rosa and Mark West Springs before returning in time to take the club on its run next Sunday.
W. A. Terrill of the Bay City Wheelmen is making a splendid showing on the National racing circuit. At Syracuse, N. Y. on June 10, he won the mile handicap from eighty yards in 2:06 1-5 against such men as Bald, Murphy, Cabanne, Titus, Macdonald, Coulter, Ziegler and men of equal prominence. At the same place on June 12, against the same competitors, he won a mile handicap from sixty-five yards in 2:11 3-5. As the season progresses he will develop even better form.
The Outing Road Club had a most enjoyable run last Sunday, to San Rafael. For to-morrow no run has been called, but most of the members will attend a picnic at Tamalpais.
The annual joint club run of the California Associated Bicycle Clubs, to be held on Sunday, June 23, to Niles Canyon, will attract all the riders from San Jose, Oakland and this City to that point. It will probably be the largest joint run ever held in this State.
Messrs. R. Miller, A. C. Tupman, C. E. Harding, C. W. Beatty, K. E. Mastellar and J. E. Baker started from Bakersfield on their wheels last Saturday afternoon for Visalia, arriving there at 3:30 a. m. Sunday. Returning, they left Visalia at 3:30 p.m. Sunday and arrived home at 12 o'clock midnight. The distance from Bakersfield to Visalia is eighty-one miles, making their round trip 162 miles over ordinary roads.
The wheelmen from Bakersfield will all attend the celebration to be held at Visalia on the Fourth of July, when several cycling races will be held. C. E. Harding, J. E. Baker, K. C. Mastellar and C. W. Beatty will represent the Bakersfield club in the quarter-mile race and the six-mile road race.
W. H. Stinson and James Coffroth, the Olympic Wheelmen who left last Saturday awheel for Los Angeles, arrived at Paso Robles Tuesday. In a letter to the writer Mr. Stinson says:
Arrived here last evening in good shape; made Salinas the second day, and run through to Paso Robles to-day. Barring a few sandy places the roads are great, and through Salinas Valley the wind fairly blows one along. The roads are as fine as in the park; we can make fifteen-eighteen miles an hour easily. Will stay here to-day, and in the afternoon start for San Luis Obispo, which we expect to reach tonight. Will probably make Los Olivos tomorrow and Santa Barbara the next day. Thank you for notice in the Call on Monday. We make it a point every day to get a Call — the only wheelmen's paper on the coast. Regards to all.
The Los Angeles wheelmen should be on the lookout for these two jolly cyclists, who will make friends wherever they stop, and no doubt have a most enjoyable trip.
Now that a 200-mile road record has been established for the course around the bay, an attempt will be made shortly by Richard Siebe of the Golden Gate Cycling Club to lower it. He is a very fast rider, with wonderful endurance, and his fellow members feel confident he can lower Sorenson's record of last Sunday. The five-mile road race of the Golden Gate Club over the San Mateo course on June 30 will be hotly contested, as fully a score of riders are now actively training for the event.
Victor A. and Frank Hancock are still touring Northern California in the interests of the revised roadbook for the League of American Wheelmen. In a letter to his brother here, Victor writes from Eureka, under date of June 4, as follows:
We arrived here O. K. after the roughest trip I have ever taken. We left Uklah Thursday morning and arrived here Monday noon, four and a half days. Roads rough and muddy. Going through the redwoods it was all mud and mostly all walking. It will be better in a month or so. Plenty of walks up three and four mile hills. We used drags with success down all the long grades. The roads for the last twenty-eight miles are pretty good.
There are lots of wheels here and the interest taken in cycling is about the same as in other places. There are two renting places. The league hotel is the Vance House.
We found every stopping place from Willits (first place out of Ukiah) and Rio Dell was but a farmhouse, all about fifteen miles apart. Here in Eureka the boys are beginning to train for the Fourth of July races. There are several very good riders, and I might mention Roberts, Putnam and Ohman. We leave here to-morrow for home, going along the coast as far as Guerneville, then through Santa Rosa and Napa Valley.
The data which the Hancock brothers are securing for the roadbook will make that work of inestimable value to all wheelmen. They secure maps of all localities, accurately measure distances by cyclometer, appoint league hotels, show where roads are good or bad, sandy or hilly, and make it so that any one contemplating a wheeling trip to any part of the State can by reference to the roadbook tell just about how hard the trip will be, how long it will take, the best conditions, etc. The book cannot be purchased, but is given gratuitously to all members of the League of American Wheelmen in this State.
The members of the Bay City Wheelmen are all ordering white duck cycling suits and will appear in them for the first time at the league meet at San Jose on July 4. Captain Dodge is arranging for a trip around the bay on a tug on July 7.
J. W. Mullen, F. G. Montealegre and Dr. T. H. Morris of the Olympic Club Wheelmen made a trip through San Mateo County last Saturday, which was replete with incidents and accidents. They left here via train Saturday afternoon, and commenced wheeling to San Mateo, going in the direction of Halfmoon Bay. The roads were good and the grades easy, and they reeled off the first fourteen miles of their journey in good time. After leaving Halfmoon Bay the road is very sandy for seven or eight miles and only ridable in places. Then came a climb of five miles, and when they reached the summit it was discovered that Montealegre had broken his front sprocket wheel and Mullen had punctured his tire, so they walked the remaining three miles to Pescadero, arriving there at 9:30 p. m. The next morning the village blacksmith was called upon, and he gave up the attempt to repair either wheel after three hours' hard work. As there is no stage from Pescadero to Redwood City on Sundays Mullen and Montealegre had to pay a man $8 50 to carry them and their wheels to the nearest railway station, while Dr. Morris started back awheel. He had to do so much walking over the hilly roads, however, that his feet became badly blistered, and altogether it was a rather disgruntled party that arrived in Redwood Sunday night in time for the last train.
The scenery on this trip is grand, but one must be in good condition to stand the trials of the journey. Halfmoon Bay and Pescadero both have the wheeling fever, and there are many riders in the vicinity.
James H. Lyons is a familiar figure awheel in the park early mornings and Sundays. He has not yet attempted country riding, but will do so shortly.
Captain Lyngreen has called a run of the Eintracht Cycle Club for to-morrow to Petaluma, leaving the hall at 7:30 a. m.
One of the most enjoyable club runs of the season was held by the Eintracht Cycling Club to the Newell Bros.' ranch, near Palo Alto, last Sunday. The boys were admirably entertained by their hosts, and it was with reluctance that they started on their homeward journey.
Preparations are being made by the Benicia Wheelmen, a club consisting of seventy-five members, to hold the greatest race meet on the Fourth of July that ever was held in this part of the State. The track is a quarter mile and is in the public park, in the heart of the city, which has been given to the wheelmen for their own use by the Trustees of the town. Prizes ranging from $10 to $50 will be given. Wheelmen from all the neighboring counties have signified their willingness to be present. There will also be a ladies' race for a prize valued at $25, which is creating quite a furor among the lady cyclers; also a parade in the morning and an illuminated parade in the evening. A good day's sport is guaranteed.
There are several tandem teams in the Olympic Club Wheelmen, prominent among whom were the Fuller brothers. Since Frank Fuller went East C. F. Lemon has taken the rear seat, and with George Fuller on front they make a speedy class A team. It seems to me they could easily lower the existing record of 2:10 and a fraction, made by the Reliance team, Griffiths and Boyden, at San Jose on June 1. Clark and Smith of the Garden City Cyclers made 2:09 at Santa Rosa May 9, but that record was never allowed.
Captain L. L. Korn has called a run of the San Francisco Road Club to Lake Chabot for to-morrow. Members will assemble at the clubrooms, 722 Golden Gate avenue, at 8:30 a. m. sharp.
About the best club run of the season, full of original schemes, was that of the Young Men's Christian Association clubs [Oakland, San Francisco] last Saturday to Niles. It was the result of plans made by Dr. J. S. Brooks and A. P. Chipron of this city and Rev. F. H. Maar of Niles, all interested deeply in cycling. The local riders went down in the afternoon in time to enjoy a swim in the canyon. Supper was served in the open air and was followed by a big campfire, around which gathered 105 wheelmen from San Jose, Oakland and the city clubs. After speeches and singing and a general jolly time refreshments in the form of cakes, sandwiches, flapjacks and coffee were served. The Niles brass band furnished music, and a display of Japanese lanterns and redlights added to the attractiveness of the occasion. A similar run is to be taken monthly by the club.
Captain J. J. B. Argenti of the Camera Club Cyclists has called a run to Tocaloma to-morrow. The roads in the vicinity of Tocaloma are in good order. Members not desiring to make the entire run can train to San Geronimo, and thence by wheel to Tocaloma, a distance of eight miles. The club will take the 8 a. m. boat for Sausalito.
The Royal Cycling Club will have a run around the City to-morrow. The club will turn out in full force for the Associated Clubs' run to Niles on the 23d. The following new members have been elected: Leo Lederer, Joseph Lubin, Alva Posner, A. N. Rixon, H. Brietstein, Jesse Kutz, S. Davis and Fred Greenebaum. The Royals are arranging for their quarterly five-mile road race, which will take place early in July. Aa the club is developing some sturdy road riders a fast race as assured.
Mr. S. W. E. Hawkins, advertising manager of the Stearns bicycles, says in the Newspaper Maker that next year, after the present contracts expire, bicycle advertising will be done mainly in the daily papers instead of in the monthlies as now. The daily paper is the paper of the present. The magazine is to it what the almanac is to the morning's weather report.