THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 22 Jun 1895

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California Associated Gycling Clubs' Joint Run To-Morrow.

Club Events To-Morrow:

Annual joint run of the California Associated Cycling Clubs to Niles Canyon --
Acme Club Wheelmen, Oakland.
Bay City Wheelmen, San Francisco.
California Cycling Club, San Francisco.
Crescent Athletic Club Wheelmen, Berkeley.
Crescent Road Club, San Francisco.
Garden City Cyclers, San Jose.
Imperial Cycling Club, San Francisco.
Liberty Cycling Club, San Francisco.
Oakland Y. M. C. A. Cycling Club, Oakland.
Olympic Club Wheelmen, San Francisco,
Pathfinder Bicycle Club, San Francisco.
Reliance Club Wheelmen, Oakland.
Royal Cycling Club, San Francisco.
San Jose Road Club, San Jose.
Santa Rosa Wheelmen, Santa Rosa.
Y. M. C. A. Cycling Club, San Francisco.

Camera Club Cyclists, run to Cape Horn, on Halfmoon Bay road.
Outing Road Club, picnic run to Haywards.
Pacific Cycling Club, run to Halfmoon Bay.

The announcement published exclusively in the CALL last Wednesday that Allan N. Jones and Clarence L. Davis had left the Garden City Cyclers and would join the Olympic Club Wheelmen has been the principal topic of conversation among the club wheelmen since its publication. The impression seems general that they have not treated the San Jose club right. It is true that they now reside here, but they were under no expense to the Cyclers, being on the absent list. They of course, were entitled to join any club here they chose for its social advantages, but why should they desert the racing colors of the club that has stood by them ever since they straddled a wheel, which has helped them to victory and given them their present reputations as class B racers? It is a well-known fact that Allan Jones, now ranked as one of the best men on the coast, would have been nowhere but for the Cyclers. The club encouraged him, assisted in his training, helped to get him on the Rambler team, and made him what he is, and in return he calmly turns the club down by saying, "I don't care what they think. The Cyclers are nothing to me."

It would seem as though these class B men had no gratitude, for Jones' and Davis' desertion was not without a precedent. Walter F. Foster coolly withdrew from the Bay City Wheelmen, at a time when he was in his prime and they were helping him as he has never been assisted since. Otto Ziegler Jr. left the San Jose Road Club before he went East, at least he joined another club and deserted the colors of the Road Club.

Perhaps there is something behind these withdrawals, however, in that each one of these men immediately joined the Olympic Club Wheelmen. It is rumored that the genial secretary of the Olympics has a subtle way of whispering into the willing ears of the racing contingent highly colored tales of the many advantages the annex offers its members. It must be admitted the Olympic Club has many advantages not offered by purely bicycle clubs, but the zealous secretary's ambition to enroll the name of every racing man of prominence on the coast on his books, and some now in the far East, has embittered the other clubs, for they don't know when he may come rapping at their door and inveigle their champion away. What would the Imperials do without Byrne, the Bay Cities without Wells, Terrill or Vincent, the Californias without J. W. Harvey or Alexander, or the Road Club without McFarland? The various clubs do not like the way the Olympics are enticing away their racing men, and this last instance, where Jones and Davis are concerned, has opened a but partly healed wound, and the Garden City Cyclers have two warm sympathizers in the San Jose Road Club and the Bay City Wheelmen.

When Ziegler left the Road Club to cast his fortunes with the Olympics he lost much of his prestige among Californians. When he appeared upon the cyclers' track in the races on April 19 and 20, he was hissed as never was a racing man before. It is not improbable that Jones and Davis will meet the same reception should they race in the Garden City on July 4, for which events they are now training.

The public are at a loss to understand why the Olympic Club Wheelmen cannot develop racing talent of its own, from a membership of 250, without borrowing it from the other cycling organizations.

The annual joint club run of the California Associated Cycling Clubs to Niles Canyon tomorrow will bring forth nearly all the road riders belonging to clubs that are members of the association, and many unattached riders as well. The Associated Clubs has been in existence several years and previous affairs of this nature have been so well attended and enjoyable that the wheelmen all look forward to to-morrow's jaunt with pleasant anticipation. The following clubs are members of the association and can be looked to to turn out a large proportion of their membership: Acme Club Wheelmen, Reliance Club Wheelmen and Young Men's Christian Association Cycling Club of Oakland; Garden City Cyclers and San Jose Road Club of San Jose; Crescent Athletic Club of Berkeley; Santa Rosa Wheelmen of Santa Rosa; Bay City Wheelmen, California Cycling Club, Crescent Road Club, Liberty Cycling Club, Imperial Cycling Club, Olympic Club Wheelmen, Pathfinder Bicycle Club, Royal Cycling Club and Young Men's Christian Association Cycling Club of San Francisco.

Captain John F. Burk of the California Cycling Club has the arrangements for tomorrow's run in hand. His orders are for the local clubs to take the 9 A. M. creek-route boat, which lands at the foot of Broadway, Oakland, where the Oakland contingent will join the run. All will then proceed through Oakland, past Fruitvale, San Leandro and Haywards to Niles. The San Jose riders will go direct to Niles. Lunch will be prepared for 500 wheelmen, which, it is safe to say, will be disposed of if even only half that number attend.

Captain Burk's instructions to clubs are to form in line at the start in alphabetical order. This applies to all clubs, whether members of the association or not. The various club captains will ride together at the head of the line. Lunch tickets must be procured from club captains, to whom they will be issued in the number that was sent in to the committee of arrangements when the query was made as to how many would attend.

The annual meet of the North California Division League of American Wheelmen will take place at San Jose on Thursday, July 4, under the management of the Garden City Cyclers. Of course the principal feature will be the races, to be held on the new three-lap cement track, which has already proven such a record-breaker for speed. The entry blanks are out announcing that the races will begin promptly at 1:30 P. M. and that entries will close with the last delivery of mail on June 27. There are five races, three prizes to each event, their total value aggregating $645. With but three exceptions the prizes are unset diamonds, every first and second prize being one of those much-sought-for gems. Without question the meet will be one of the best ever held in this State, and the league should receive a well-merited boom in consequence.

H. C. Smith and Russell Cushing of the Garden City Cyclers left here by steamer Thursday for Los Angeles to enter the races there on the 25th. They will return in time for the races at San Jose on July 4. The Los Angeles Wheelmen will find them two gentlemanly fellows and very fast class B riders.

W. A. Searles Jr. and R. J. Elliot of the Bay City Wheelmen made a hard cycling trip last Sunday, which as a test of endurance is remarkable. They left here at 4 A. M., destined for Pescadero to meet a friend, Mr. Wakeman, who has been touring in that vicinity awheel. Pescadero is sixty-three miles away, the last twenty-five miles being over the roughest kind of a hilly country, where walking was generally preferable to riding. They finally got there, however, and after lunch and a short rest started homewards, not arriving here until after 10 o'clock at night. The last ten miles of the trip around the bay road were made in very slow time, as it was dark as pitch and they were completely tired out. Monday neither felt a particle the worse for his long journey, however.

The Outing Road Club's trip for to-morrow will be a picnic run to Haywards Park, leaving on the 8:15 A. M. narrow-gauge boat. Members are requested to bring their own luncheon. Bert Mayer of this club has just returned from his Lake County trip, and pronounces the roads in very good condition and the trip a very enjoyable one. Captain Davis is rusticating at Bolinas Bay until July 1.

Upon the invitation of Mrs. A. G. McFarland the Camera Club Cyclists will take a run to-morrow to Camp Alta Vista, and Captain Argenti has issued the following circular describing the trip:

Owing to the length and character of the run an early start is desirable. Members will assemble at Twenty-first and Valencia streets at 6:30 A. M., thence along San Bruno road to San Mateo, twenty miles; thence via Pescadero road to Cape Horn, seven miles, passing Crystal Springs dam; thence to destination, where Vice-President Mrs. McFarland will exercise her prerogative as hostess.

Return by train or wheel from San Mateo, arriving in town about 6:30 P. M. The roads, though rolling in character, are in good condition and a pleasant trip is assured. The run being upon invitation will be confined exclusively to members of the annex. Bring cameras.

The Diamond Cycling Club is the name of a new wheeling organization formed in Alameda last Tuesday evening, with a charter roll of thirty-five members. As soon as the work of organization is completed and officers elected the club will be heard from regarding runs, races, etc.

The Royal Cycling Club is progressing finely in its new quarters on Van Ness avenue. At the last meeting six new members were elected. Alva Posner has been elected bugler. On June 30 the club will have a run to Camp Taylor. Tomorrow they will go to Niles Canyon on the Associated Clubs' run.

The Liberty Cycling Club has adopted a novel idea in the shape of a sinking fund to cover breakages on runs. Each member who desires to avail himself of this insurance deposits 10 cents a week with the treasurer, and for such premium is indemnified against all or any damage to his wheel upon a club run. I wonder if this will encourage recklessness upon the part of the riders? The club elected H. Wahnig and H. J. Vollmer to membership at the last meeting.

The Sunset Cycling Club was organized last Monday evening in this City with a membership of thirty-five to start with. The following are the officers: Arthur Sherley, president; Miss Bessby, vice-president; P. W. d'Arcy, secretary; C. Shaw, treasurer; P. Morrin, captain. The club will meet every Monday evening at 305 Van Ness avenue, near Grove street.

The Imperial Cycling Club will turn out en masse on the association run to-morrow. Frank M. Byrne, the club's popular class A racer, will return from his trip to Portland to-day. G. J. Gethings and J. F. Kirby, of the Imperiais, rode to Santa Cruz Thursday week, returning Sunday, riding the entire round trip on their wheels. The Imperials will give a dance in July at some local hall.

The San Jose Road Club is about to lose its popular captain, C. C. Peppin, who leaves shortly for Oregon. As Lieutenant Navlet did not wish the position, owing to press of business, the mantle will fall on the shoulders of Second Lieutenant M. J. O'Brien. The club is progressing and will have some fast class-A men in the Fourth of July races, among whom may be mentioned McFarland, Hardenbrook, Belloli, Benson, Navlet, Harris, O'Brien, Carroll, Welch, Hogg, Wing and Brunst.

The Oakland Young Men's Christian Association Cycling Club held a five-mile road race last Saturday afternoon over the course from Fruitvale to San Leandro. The order in which the first five finished and their riding time and handicaps are as follows:

Name. Handicap. Net riding time.
B. H. Elford 1/2 min 13:04 2-5
E. C. Brown scratch 13:16
E. C. Lyon 1/2 min 13:47
Charles D. Gooch scratch 13:22
J. Lewis 1 min 14:26

There were a dozen other starters whose finishing time was not taken. Elford, the winner, is a new rider, and did very well. The course was not in the best of shape, and at one time the two scratch men, Brown and Gooch, narrowly escaped colliding with a wagon, which compelled them to slow up, and they lost considerable time. The officials were: A. T. Brock, referee; H. F. Kellogg, starter; H. L. Gilbert, I. L. Gilbert, Fred Starratt, C. Pomeroy and F. Jackson.

The racing board has issued its twelfth bulletin, under date June 20, 1895, as follows:


June 15, Santa Paula Wheelmen, Santa Paula.
July 4, Redlands Cycling Club, Redlands.
July 4, Stockton Athletic Association, Stockton.
July 4, Ventura Wheelmen, Ventura.
July 4, Brooklyn Parlor No. 161, N. S. G. W., East Oakland.

In the protest of A. W. Cleaver from the decision of Referee C. F. Gates at San Bernardino May 22 last, the National Racing Board sustains the referee, saying: "The rules provide that the decision of a referee shall be final in all cases when such decision does not conflict with the racing rules. There was no conflict in the decision rendered, and the referee was in a better position to decide the question of a foul than the racing board could now be."

For violation of clause C, class A, amateur rule, A. W. Cleaver of Los Angeles is declared a professional.

Representative National Racing Board.

The members of the California Cycling Club will make a trip to La Honda Sunday, June 30. The run will start from the clubrooms next Saturday evening at 6:30, and the men will ride to Woodside, some five miles beyond Redwood City, where they will stop over night, completing the trip to La Honda and returning to Redwood City Sunday.

The wheelmen of Visalia offer a handsome banner to the club having the largest number of men in line in their parade on July 4. The banner is of purple and gold, the wheelmen's club colors. On the rich purple silk plush is worked the following in gold: “Visalia, July 4, 1895.” A large wheel traced in gold is the central ornamentation. This banner will be competed for by all the wheeling clubs within a reasonable radius of Visalia.

The Crescent Road Club will attend the association run to-morrow. A new uniform was adopted by the members at a meeting held last Wednesday evening, which will be ready early in July. The club propose holding another five-mile road race shortly, and will offer valuable trophies for the event. The club was recently presented by Byron D. Bent with a photograph of the club members and several views of the run to Camp Taylor two weeks ago, all neatly framed together, which has been hung in the clubrooms.

It is rumored that the Falcon team will be disbanded on July 15. The team is now on the Eastern circuit, and is composed of Otto Ziegler Jr., C. R. Coulter and C. C. Harbottle. The latter has already left the circuit and returned to Canada. No reason is given for the breaking up of the team. It is a surprise to notice Coulter's vastly improved form, as he is now winning many races on the circuit. On June 20, at Utica, N. Y., Ziegler was given twenty yards handicap over him in a two-mile race, and yet Coulter won it and Ziegler finished third. W. A. Terrill has also beaten Ziegler in scratch races. What's the matter with the "little demon?"

The Petaluma Wheelmen will hold a race meet on July 4, confined entirely to class A events as follows: Half-mile invitation, scratch; one-mile invitation, scratch; one-mile club handicap; half-mile scratch, boys under 16 years; quartermile scratch, boys under 14 years; half-mile scratch, county; quarter-mile scratch, county; two-mile scratch, county; one-mile Two Rock Road Club event. The prizes are well selected and of good value. Entries close June 27 with George B. Murphy, secretary, 1014 Fourth street, Petaluma.

W. B. Fawcett's likeness is presented this week. He is a well-known member of the Olympic Club Wheelmen and has already made his mark on the track in class A races. He will ride at San Jose on July 4 and will be up with the bunch in all the finishes.

Charles S. Wells and Harry Terrill, the Bay City Wheelmen's two fastest racers in classes B and A respectively, will go to Los Angeles to compete in the races there on June 25, the occasion being the Turners' festival.

President Charles A. Adams, Captain J. J. B. Argenti, Byron D. Bent and Henry Owens of the Camera Club Cyclists will start awheel for Lake County early in July, to be absent a fortnight. They will visit all the springs and resorts, and as all four will carry cameras some good views may be expected when they return.

Mr. S. W. E. Hawkins, advertising manager of the Stearns bicycles, says in the Newspaper Maker that next year, after the present contracts expire, bicycle advertising will be done mainly in the daily papers instead of in the monthlies as now. The daily paper is the paper of the present. The magazine is to it what the almanac is to the morning's weather report.